Friday 28 July 2017


Linking up with Kate for the July word hunt.

This month seemed difficult, but once I set my mind to it, I found way too many for some words.
Here we go......

1.  CRANE.
Cranes in the port of Harwich.  This is one word I found quite a few pics for, but went for this one hoping it would be a little different.

2.  RING.
When we lived on the other side of town at No. 4, the grandchildren used to call these daffodils around the silver birches "THE FAIRY RING"

3.  SET.
This word has so many meanings, it is not 'funny'.  In the end, I went to the dictionary for ideas and found that as a verb, it has 18 meanings, as an adjective, 5, and as a noun, 11.  Some of these, even have a few connotations of their own too.
This is the noun, (8), --a session of jazz or rock music, usually followed by intermission, or the music played during such a session.
So these little fellas are at the Goulburn Caravan Park (NSW) where we've stayed a few times over the years and I'm quite sure they'd be playing a Jazz SET.

4.  LIGHT.
The Illiminations in Blackpool (UK) where we went one year with our niece and her family.  I was very taken with the trouble they go to, to put this on each year and thought it quite amazing.  I did love this photo I took (it was hard to take good pics), with crown and chandeliers.

5.  BOW.
The bow of a huge ship with helicopter pad looming out of the mist in Blyth (UK again).  This is a cable laying ship which was docked and I expect picking up cable from the area, as we also saw a large yard where I think, they must make it. It was huge.
I remember seeing a cable laying ship in Sydney as a child, which we were lucky enough to be shown around as my Dad used to work for OTC, an Australian communications company.

Springer and his mate.  Hubby made these 2 doggies many years ago from the springs he replaced in one of our cars.  The one of the left is DD's and the one on the right belongs to us.  Think I have posted these before, but just the thing for this word.

7.  OPEN.
An "open"-cut coal mine in the Latrobe Valley here in Victoria east of where we live.  I'm not a big fan of coal-fired power stations, but this is the world we live in and as long as we try and better our use of resources, it stays for the time being.

8.  GRAND.
Our first "grand" child aged about 18 months (I think) sporting the latest fashion, a tupperware bowl hat.😊  This little girl, is now a young lady who will be 21 in November.  Yikes!!!!!!

9.  PARK.
OK, probably not the most obscure use for this word, but this is the oddest colour for a lyrebird, a rather shy native bird which is often seen flashing through trees in southern rain forest areas.
It stands at the entrance to a fun park just west of here on the highway to Melbourne.  Many years ago, someone put some firecrackers up it's rear end and it looked quite sad until they resurrected it. Now the park is undergoing a, wait for it...... $50 million dollar refurbishment.  We've never been, so may make that an outing once it is completed.  More photos opportunities?
I just grabbed this photo of a lyrebird off the internet so everyone can see what they really look like. I've never been quick enough to get a proper photo, so hope I'm not doing anything too naughty.

Hellebores in flower along the back fence.  Hubby took this photo yesterday while I was at the Quilt Show.  Aren't they 'gorgeous'.  I'll try and do a post soon as the garden comes back to life, though a few things have succumbed to the heavy frosts.  I saw a quick news item, that Australia is having it's coldest and driest winter for a long time.  Even though dry, it's been very overcast.

OK my hunt done and not as early as I'd planned.  Can I actually say this, but I was knackered, OK pooped last night and even dozed off a few times in the front of TV after my day out.  I never do that.
Have a great weekend all and I'm off to link this up.
Take care and huggles,  Susan.

Sunday 23 July 2017


Just a short post to fill in some gaps, that I've been wayward on over the last year.  It is nearly 12 months ago that we visited family in UK & although we had the best time, I didn't have reliable internet access, so posts were few & far between.
We belong to the National Trust of Australia, and are able to use our membership cards in the UK too, so this is a day out in Northumberland and one here in Melbourne.

A beautiful, very large home with a wonderful history.  The day we visited was extremely busy, due to 2 other NT properties being closed for the filming of Transformers 6 (I think).  We explored the house, but not the garden as it was closed for some work, but we did wander down to the first privately owned hydro-electric power plant.

The back of the house from the path down the hillside as we walked from a far-off car park.

The most amazing sculpted chimney breast.

Oh no!  Yes, it is an old patchwork quilt on the bed.

A beautiful old wheel that is part of the hydro-electric plant.

I've not got many good photos from this day out, due to it being very overcast and also the amount of people around.


Hubby and I spent a lovely day out a few months back visiting these houses, which are in stark contrast to the above.

Front of one house.
A second house at the rear, which has been moved from another location and has an audio/visual set up to explain  the story of these homes.

One of the rooms which has not been touched in a "long while".

Attic bedroom, which is accessed by the steepest stairway I've ever been up.  You have to come down backwards.  Notice that the bed has a "patchwork quilt".  Seems to be a theme there!

One of the downstairs rooms that has some restoration work done, shows how the packing cases, these homes were shipped in,  were then used for the internal walls. 
 I'm not a mine of information about either of these properties, but I'm sure that you can see them both on line.

Whilst we were in Northumberland, we decided to visit Soutar Lighthouse, another NT property & the receptionist at the motel suggested we also go to St. Margarets Lighthouse, which we would find interesting.
OK, off we set and this is what we saw.

Ummm!!  Where is it?
 Well, we parked the car and looked around the complex, which I loved.  The lightkeepers cottage was well kept and we shared the experience with a small party of schoolchildren.
And what, not again, but I just can't help myself when it comes to quilts on beds.
Another old one & hexagons too. 

Here it is just appearing out of the mist.
On to St. Margaret's Lighthouse later in the day.

Here it is!!!!
The fog had again rolled in, making our lighthouses journey a bit of a disappointment, but we still had a fun day out.  There is actually a causeway out to this one, but the tide was in and it had just started to sprinkle as well, so we headed for home.

Hope you've enjoyed some late postings of days out in both UK & Oz.  I know that I'd like to occasionally catch up on our trip from last year, but next week is both Scavenger Hunt on 28th & Finishing Stitches on 31st.  We also are  a tad on the busy side next week, with a Car Club coffee/cake run & committee meeting on Wednesday and then on Thursday, I'm off to the Quilt and Craft Show in Melbourne, and have a physio appointment on Friday.  Over the weekend we might even  visit a NT property that isn't open very often.  Como House are having an Open Weekend, so will try and take advantage of that.

I've waffled on enough and hope everyone has a good week ahead.
Take care.

Saturday 15 July 2017


We enjoyed a day out on Thursday to chill out & relax, but we were also chilled to the bone, as it was very, very cold.
Before we go on the journey, I'll say 'thank you' to all your great suggestions & especially Kate, who made me giggle with her "tetris" comment.  Yes, playing with blocks could be likened to that.
I quickly made us some lunch, then we set out in sunshine & made our way down to the Mornington Peninsular, not too far, for my sea air fix, as being cooped up inside in this cold, damp weather makes me go bananas.  By the time we got to Hastings, it was nearly time for lunch, but a brisk walk first, along the foreshore was a must. What did we see?

Mangrove swamp, as the tide must have been out.
A small boat that sank & was too far gone to save & has been left to the elements.  Hubby read a little about it and realised that it had been renamed at some time & according to folk lore, that is very unlucky, so maybe that is why it ran aground.

These boats in the marina were all clinking away merrily due to the breezy conditions.

                                         The old shed used as the current Information Centre.


Lunch eaten & we were off again following the road on the eastern side of Western Port Bay, where we made our way in and out of a few of the bayside towns.
Our first stop was in a small parking area on the Foreshore Reserve near Woolleys Beach where I took the next 4 photos.

Two leaning trees framing the view.


Chained.  This is quite near the sand & could have been used to tie boats to.

A lovely Hakea  & the woody buds which burst open to reveal the fluffy pink flowers. 
We kept on going down along the bay where I took a few more snaps quickly as it was starting to rain now.

Another old boat abandoned along the shoreline.

Not sure what this was, but it was worth photographing.

One of our native trees, but I can't for the life of me remember what it is called.

View of a headland.

This jetty was looking rather neglected, even though there were quite a few boats in the vicinity.  Maybe in summer it is used more often.
Ah, it was lovely getting a dose of sea (or should I say bay) air, even though frightfully cold.
Monday sees us minding 2 of our grandchildren whilst DD heads to work.  Master L & Missy Moo go back to school on the Tuesday, but Mum has to go back Monday.
Just a quick bit extra, with my indulgence last week.  Oh dear, I bought both a book & magazine & have taken this snap, along with a paperback I'm reading at the moment, from a pile I've had for years, but not yet read.

I'm enjoying The Rose Garden, & the kitchen one is a bookazine about kitchens, which I couldn't resist and She Sheds is right up my street.  Love it.
OK, enough from me now and I'm off to think about our tea.
Hope you all have a great weekend.
Take care,  Susan.

Tuesday 11 July 2017


I'm working on a quilt of my own design at the moment and now have a dilemma of how to place the blocks, although I did start with a plan.
Below is the mock-up from my QW program.

I thought it looked good on paper, but once it was all in place on the design wall, I had doubts.
Hubby came in whilst I was pondering and suggested we re-arrange the blocks (whoops, something I didn't think he'd know about), though after 40 years of me quilting, I suppose he has good idea of what I do & has helped me make decisions before on colour & design.

1.  Original layout.

2.  First suggestion.

I wasn't so sure about this with the larger block of aqua together?

3.  Again we played.

We both had the same idea for this one as I was playing with the bottom corner as H sorted the top & we laughed that we'd done the same.

4.  Here we go again.

H came up with this one, then we stopped, as I was confused.

5.  Much, much later after tea.

I popped out to my sewing room for one last look for the night, played again & came up with this one.

OH!....................I  now really don't know which one to go with and need your help.   PLEASE!!!!

BTW.   I have finished piecing the Mystery Quilt I started at Judy's weekend retreat & will reveal all at a later date.
Just a quick post for now & will do a catchup later this week.  It is certainly chilly here in our part of Oz at the moment & below is a map of Victoria showing the different council areas & we actually reside in the Baw Baw shire, which is in the south east of the state.

The red shaded area is Melbourne.

Best go & look forward to hearing what you think is best.
Take care all, keep warm or cool & thank you for reading my posts.

Wednesday 5 July 2017


Last week saw us head to Sydney for a few days to help my younger brother with an interview to access the new scheme they are rolling out here in Oz for disabled people.  All went reasonably well.
Whilst there we also caught up with family and friends.
We stayed south of Sydney due to the caravan park where we used to stay,  has now gone, so it was panic stations to find something suitable, inexpensive & with en-suite sites.  Found, though it did mean a bit of travelling back & forwards, but that was OK.
A lot of photos  taken of the week away, with a small selection here.  We stayed south of Sydney in an area we know well, having lived there for about 9 years before we came to Victoria.  I also spent a lot my childhood holidays & outings on the South Coast of NSW.

Typical countryside of the South Coast & a road we've travelled may times.

East Beach at Kiama, accessed from the caravan park where we stayed.

An action shot of hubby jumping across the running water.

Waves breaking on the rocks.  Most were small until this one came along.
What happens when these hit whilst standing staring out to sea.
You get very wet as hubby found out.

Then whilst waiting for me to make a cup of tea & with legs outstretched drying in the sun, this critter (duck) came along & bit him on the ankle.  I couldn't stop laughing!!  There must have been something tasty on his trouser leg.
On Saturday we visited my bestie from school, whom I've known since I was 5 1/2.  She minded me on my first day at a new school & we've kept in touch ever since, though there have been times when it was few and far between.  She said I could put this photo on & I do have a better one where I don't look so silly, but I don't know how to get it off my tablet.  This tech stuff does my head in at times.
                                                        Sue on the right & me on the left.

Now for a funny story before we head home with some more scenery.
On Sunday we met up with our older son & his family for a day at a Car Show.  We don't see a lot of A due to him being so far away, but it was a lovely day out. His partner J, our drandaughter Miss A, grandsons, B1, J & R all did a lot oohing & aahing over the vehicles on display.
One of them caught my eye.
Now remember, I'm an Aussie girl who had her teen years in the swinging sixties.
"Oh", I said, "What a bright orange panel van".  As the boys moved further along & Miss A was out of earshot, I laughingly told J, I was actually going to say, look at that 'shagging wagon', but thought better of it with the kids around.  She started laughing and said she was actually going to say that too, but thought I might not approve.  Whilst we were laughing about all this, a voice next to me said, "Really Nana", & Miss A had overheard us, but then she is nearly 21, so it was the laughter all round.
I forget she is all grown up now.
At the show we saw this and all agreed it could be on Pop's garage door.

Just a few more pics of the trip back home.
The bridge at Bateman's Bay which has a centre section that elevates to let boats through.

Wagonga Inlet at Narooma where we ate lunch.

We were asked to pull over by the police as this appeared coming the other way.
What was behind it?

This very large piece of equipment.
Our older son A, actually works on the mechanical side of things like this.

We stopped at the lookout to take some photos of Bega with the mountains in the distance.
It is quite stunning scenery all the way down the coast of NSW.

Threatening clouds that didn't amount to anything at all.

Just 2 more.
Closeup of flowers from an Illawarra Flame tree, that are dotted around the Wollongong area south of Sydney.
Not sure they are called this anymore, but what we said as kids.
On our lunch break on the last leg of our journey at Cann River, I took a photo of this old church.
I've said many times over the years, I should take one & now I have.

OK, enough from me and I will be back on the weekend, "hopefully", with some crafty bits 'n' bobs, that I've got on the go, to post about along with whatever else is happening in our part of the world.
Take care all and lots of huggles.
PS.  Thanks to all who browsed my Scavenger Photo Hunt, as their were some newbies in there.  Ta!