Friday 27 September 2019


The end of September already & joining in with I live, I love, I craft for the "Hunt".
I wasn't going to participate, but the weather here is dark, overcast, blowing a hooley & looks like rain, so I came inside to hunker down & got thinking about photos & feeling so low at the moment.
I think I know what's wrong, so I'll leave it at that & throw myself into getting this done.
Kate's words were a little more geared to Autumn, so I really had to think outside the box & I had looked  at some snaps just after she posted the list & was a bit perplexed.  Well,  hear goes with mine.

1.  COSY.
A display of tea cosies at Mont de Lancy an old house & garden that are open to the public by way of a local council not far from Melbourne.

The tree in the back corner of our yard, just displaying it's Spring finery & leaf buds.  I love calling it's flowers, tassels.😊

3.  SCARF.
A scarf I knitted some years ago for our eldest granddaughter, which she loved.  I wonder if it is still used now that she is an adult?

Not my baking!!!  Although I do cook, it doesn't really ever look as good as this.  A cuppa we had at the David Austen Rose Nursery, which I took a photo of because of the beautiful china.  Believe it or not, but that catalogue was actually free!!!!

 This was my first choice, as I couldn't find anything other than the one I showed for our last cobweb.
I took this photo many years ago at Harlow Carr in Yorkshire, when visiting.
Then looking for something else DH & I had been talking about, I stumbled across this photo taken whilst in Canberra, out on a walk with our son & his family in a nature reserve.  I do remember it being an awfully cold morning, so maybe it has frost or dew on it.

Bolton Abbey.
The cause of my woes at the moment.  Not being able to walk in the Dales or on the Moors.  This photo was taken at the beginning of August & although it was very busy, it was still very peaceful.
I'll try and get myself together to do some catch up posts of our holiday.  Really.............
OK, enough from me & a big thank you to Kate for hosting this.
Take care all and huggles.

Monday 16 September 2019


Better than never, as the saying goes.  I took some of these pics whilst in UK, but couldn't download them onto my tablet, then we also had so many issues with internet services.  Thanks to Kate from,
 I live, I love, I craft blog for hosting this, but I'm not in the link-up this time. Feeling very flat since we got back & even pondering whether to keep on blogging or not.  Maybe just this one?
Now for the words & photos.

1.  MARK.
Bookmarks I made from paint colour chips for Xmas presents to put into greeting cards.

The beautiful gum leaf bookmark DH fashioned for me, that I have shown before.
2.  DUCK/S.
                  Found hiding in the foliage of a park, beside the stream that flows through
                                                    Thornton-le-dale in North Yorkshire.

Ancient stone window surround.
This was also taken on our trip.  A lovely few hours spent walking through countryside to & around Wharram Percy Medieval Village, which I found absolutely fascinating.

4.  ARM.
Not very exciting, but here is my long "arm" quilting machine.  Sorry for the lousy photo, I should have found another one.

5.  STRAW.
I've gone slightly overboard with this one.  Whilst driving in the beautiful English countryside, I kept spotting "straw" photos, in colour & texture.  Sometimes we just couldn't stop (which irked me), but here a few I thought would fit the bill, so 3 made the cut.
            Straw coloured grain waiting to be harvested, again on our visit to Wharram Percy.
Straw bales for sitting on, spreading on the garden as mulch or even feed for animals.  This photo                                                was taken in the large barns at Great Dixter.
                               A very large haystack which always makes me think...... STRAW.

                 The beautifully laid out garden in front of the house at Kingston Lacey in Dorset.
My lot done and hopefully some one may notice & I've not posted for nothing.
Have a good week all, take care & huggles.