Saturday 28 January 2023


 I've really been slack of late due to both being busyish and unmotivated, but I need to thank everyone who commented on my last post of the year.  Much appreciated.

The busy bit has been a few appointments with doctor/dentist,  and a quick trip to DS1's place to say bon voyage to our eldest grandchild and her partner before she left for England to work for 2 years.  She has already started work & he is still going through a long list of applications.    We also have had our car club picnic for Australia Day and trying to get the garden in shape, though that is tough at the moment with our "very" hot weather and so many blueberries being picked too.  Up to about 20kgs so far with many being frozen, and others for neighbours and friends.

Lack of motivation has been another issue with my crafting, but I'm slowly get myself back into it, I hope. DH also had a very, very large jigsaw on the go that he got for Xmas from DD which ate up table space for me and my old laptop which is not quite as efficient as it used to be, so hence my lack of commenting on other blogs.  I'm in the study doing this on the PC, which is what I should do more often.

A few quick snaps and hopefully I'll catch up with some more very soon.  I took a good handful while away, but not much else has happened this month, so I'll do one of our quick trip next week.


Not something I'd normally show, but I've had a fridge full of blueberries at times and then some packed and ready to go to the clubrooms for the "old" guys.😊


DS1 & J's new babies.

Two miniature goats.
One Sunday we headed to Leongatha to see an embroidery/quilt show, which was very small, but with some beautiful work and only 4 quilts.  As we headed home we stopped at Inverloch to go for a quick walk and noticed the sail boats out on the water beyond the stretch of sand.  You may need to click on the photo to see the boats.


Needing "MOTIVATION"  to get this lot quilted............push me!
Poor Bubs hasn't been up and running since early December & I've so many ideas running around my head, but I must get stuck into some of these first.

OK that is my lot and hopefully I'll blog more from here on in.  Sorry if this post is a bit disjointed, but I wasn't sure how to get started again.  Thanks again to all my loyal friends.
Take care and hugs from down under.