Tuesday 14 July 2020


The sky today from our front garden.
Yes, our weather has been dull, dreary, cold & damp, not necessarily pouring with rain, but just so bleak & wet underfoot.  Not much happening in the garden & trying to stay focused & motivated on anything is somewhat hard to do at the moment.  I'm way behind on both my own blog & reading others, so finally sitting here doing this one. 
Finding & finishing a few bits'n'bobs.
A child' jumper.

A summer cardi & I no longer have the dress I was going to wear it with.

            The quilt is now waiting till I can get some backing to put it on the big machine & quilt it.

I fussy cut some of the 2 1/2" squares.  This QAL was hosted by my friend Joy in Ballarat who blogs at Days Filled With Joy.
Another crafty thing is slowly coming together too.  I bought & showed an old picture frame I purchased at a vintage market earlier this year & it has now become the frame for these, but still needs a fixing for hanging it.
DH made these musical cutouts after finding them photocopied (by me) and thought I'd done them for him.  Anyway, I loved them & I just fancied them in a frame.  I've quite a bit of blank wall space, so once done & hung I'll show them on a blogpost.
                                                                Pottering about.
Some waiting for repotting & others for the garden.

A bit of colour on the plant stand & retaining wall.
The first fully open flower on my camellia - Volunteer.

One of my dark hellebores with the darker one on the right, which always flowers last.

One of my white/green ones.

My Garrya, after not flowering for the first four years has "ONE" flower & going by it's length, it's the male variety..

Lastly, a bit of nonsense.
Can we call this "snail mail".  How I got it from our letterbox and only about an hour after the postie had left it.
Well, that's about it from me and with Melbourne now being in lockdown once more, we have limited access, so can't venture far.
Oh for some sun and to feel somewhat normal, rather than being on edge all the time.  Hopefully I'll post a little more often and show what we've been busy with during this next half of "weird" 2020.
Everybody please take care and stay safe.
Huggles from Susan.


  1. It's hard to stay jolly when the weather's miserable, especially when the city's in lockdown too so you can't even get out and about to lift your mood. Thank goodness for the garden and crafts, that's what I say. Thank you so much for all the kind comments you have left on recent posts, it's helped so much to know that I've been in so many people's thoughts at this sad time.

    1. Thanks Jo. You are so right about the garden & crafting. I can't imagine what people do if they have neither. Got your email this morning. Ta.

  2. It's a shame your weather is so miserable, it has been here too for about a week or so and I'm wanting the sunshine to return. I really like your summer cardi, such a lovely colour, I'd be looking to buy something new to wear with it. I'll look forward to more of your blog posts although I do know how difficult it is when we are isolated at home but we are safe and that's the main thing.

    1. Thanks Eileen. Another 6 weeks till Spring arrives, so the calendar says. I won't be buying any clhes for a long while, as grocery shopping is the main priority at the moment. Everything else is done by phone order or just local necessities for woodworking or the garden at our new "big" hardware.

  3. The weather is grey, damp and miserable here too today and that kind of weather does lower the spirits. Your garden looks lovely and your craft work is great. I had to smile at the snail mail. The musical notes look super in the frame. It's a blow about the second lockdown take care:)

    1. Thanks Rosie. Maybe down a bit, but keeping busy & as active as possible in winter. Glad you liked my "snail mail", as it gave me a giggle.

  4. I have just plucked up the whatever and fired up mu PC, Now reading the back log of blog posts.! I'm sorry to hear your weather is not good, but more sorry to hear of you experiencing your second lock-down! Will our lives ever be the same again? I think the new "normal" will be very different from the old one. Nice to see you have been keeping yourself busy ;) I'll keep on reading so you may get a few more comments further down Stay Safe xxx

    1. Good for you Lesley & I think a lot of us are struggling with all sorts. My blogging has been a bit hit & miss, as I like to enjoy the computer for relaxing and not for doing everything else they want us to use it for now. So glad to have come to UK last year & met you & hope you keep on blogging too. New normal is going to be strange & take some getting used to. Take care & stay safe.

  5. The weather is much the same over here, grey and uninspiring! I've also been struggling to keep up with my own posts and blog reading but have a free hour now. Those musical notes look great, I like the snail mail too! I hope your second lockdown doesn't go on for too long.

    1. Thanks Louise. I think we are all a bit "all over the place" at the moment & hopefully get back to some sort of normality in the near future.

  6. Nothing like miserable weather to dampen the spirits ... hope you may get some drier days soon. I also hope your second lockdown doesn't go on too long.

    I think all of your craftwork looks great, thank goodness for hobbies and gardens that can help lift our spirits.

    Take care, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  7. Oh, my, such crafty goodness going on at your house! 💖
