Friday 30 October 2020



Today I'm linking with the lovely Kate at I live, I love, I craft, I am me to post our photos for this month of October.

As I'm still struggling with mojo, this will be plain & simple.


Some very old embroideries done probably around 2009/10 & never finished as life took over.
Found them a little while ago & have been thinking of incorporating them into a table runner, but it filled the bill as "sweet treat" with cupcakes, a pot of tea & cup.

2.  STARTS WITH A W......

W is for waterfall.  About an hour's drive from home,  this photo was taken in 2018 & I still can't believe it was that long ago.


I am rereading some articles in my old Landscape magazines, which I really love and as I've not been able to concentrate on much lately it's been great revisiting beautiful gardens, crafts people & their studios & work, plus lots of other interesting bits'n'pieces.

Lucky me, with a clever hubby who has a hobby, which entails crafting.
                                         A bookstand in the making for one of our granddaughters.
I'll of course show it again, once finished.

A lovely iris, which my DD gave me from one of her plants.  It has surpassed itself this year after not                                                                     flowering last year.
                  My violas in the velvety shade of deep purple with their little smiling faces.
                                               These 2 photos above were taken this morning.

My first 2 strawberries off my plant I put in a "strawberry pot"😋.  I took this photo late this afternoon, then picked them & we shared with a small amount of ice cream & they were definitely scrumptious.

OK, my lot for this month & although not as exciting what I'm sure the others will be, it's done.  If only the worry & anxiety would abate, but can't see it happening for some time to come.

Please take care all, stay safe & huggles from down under.

Tuesday 27 October 2020


 Over the last month I've lagged on blogposts, but have still been taking photos, doing "stuff", as in a bit around the garden(weather permitting) & our crafts, plus walking, which will come in another post before the end of October.

Let's start with the garden & few favourites.

Dutch iris in the front garden.

The snowball bush in full bloom with the banksia rose on the trellis.

The hydrangea with a wayward flower out of season.

The concrete planter surrounded by violets & filled with what I call pink bluebells.
Maybe I should do a little research into what they are really called.

Some of the work we are attempting is also shown below.

Hubby is trying to extend his shed and he is this far now, but due large amounts of rain the progress has been slow.

The excavation work & a pile of soil building up behind, which I've used to fill some pots ready for summer flowers., as below.

My late brother's ancient wheelbarrow with pots ready for, maybe, some petunias.

We've also moved about 200 bricks from here...................................................

Can you see them peeking through the fence from next door?  They were starting to push the fence & we approached the neighbours who didn't even know they were there, at the back of their wilderness & unaccessable to them.  We took some palings off & between DH & I, managed to move them, which was a backbreaking job, but they are now ready & waiting for a project in the near future.

We are going to pave this corner, maybe put up a triangular pergola & have some seating & pots to make it all very pretty.😊

A couple more pics of how steep our garden is & why we need to make it "old people" friendly.


Looking up to the shed.

Looking down.

More dirt slipping away here too.

It was supposedly landscaped professionally, but I've never understood steep sloping flower beds & we need to remedy it this year if at all possible.

Another few pics of the garden & my late birthday gifts.😍

The corner of the verandah is starting to look quite colourful.

Looking across the pond, through the pergola to the far corner where we intend to pave.

A little cutie I nearly destroyed, thinking it was a slug in between some agapanthus leaves.
As soon as I realised I was disturbing a little frog, I left him be.
Isn't he the best?

My presents...........An electric lawnmower so I can help do the lawns again.
I cannot pull the starter string on a petrol one anymore & miss mowing.
The other is a wee greenhouse which will be up near the shed, once we've leveled a small spot beside the doorway.

Now onto a bit of crafting.  I'm sure we've done more than this, but a little to show that we've not been                                                                                      idle.

DH made me this beautiful "patchwork" bowl and it's gorgeous.  He did one attempt with some less favourable glue, which is going to become a receptacle for a pot plant, but the one above will definitely be used inside.

DDs quilt has been quilted & is awaiting for us all to be able to visit again, but we aren't holding our breaths.

                                              A photo shoot for 2 recently finished quilts.

Panademia on the keyhole tree.

Gee Whiz on a friends veteran car.
The last one has a bit of sun on it, on an amazingly sunny day which has been a rarity of late.
This one which I've called Luv from Oz, is waiting to be posted to UK for a blog friend's new baby boy.
Designed, pieced, quilted & labeled in Sepember/October, so has kept me busy.
I'm waiting to receive the address, then it will be on it's way.

                                       I'm ready to put this one onto the big machine today.
I'm sure you've had enough of my waffling, so will end this now and hopefully be back with some local walks we've done recently and taken my camera with me.  I'll part with one last photo of our murky grey skies of late, taken from our backyard.  This has been our weather for nearly all of this pandemic, with possibly a handful of nice sunny days.  We even lit the fire over the weekend, as temperatures were very low & the wind has been icy, though the garden, hills and farmers have appreciated the rain.

Thanks for reading my blog all, take care, stay safe & huggles from down under.
Susan.  xx

Thursday 22 October 2020


Thursday was  the final day of our break, then Friday we traveled home.  Thursday saw us once again pack our lunch & this time head towards Bairnsdale for DH to pick up a few bits'n'bobs for his woodworking.  After that was done we headed to Paynesville for lunch and a wander.  I have posted about Paynesville here also a few years ago.

Sitting eating our lunch, we were watching these cygnets, being looked after by Mum & Dad.

                               You may have to click on this & make it larger to get a better look.
                         This is more of the pier above where you can wander & some boats come in.
                                              Looking to our left from where we were sitting.

A tree close to where we were seated had a black swan sitting on a nest.  As we put our picnic stuff away in the car, another swan came & chased it away & wow, there were 5 eggs in this nest.  I didn't go any closer in case he/she came back.

Wandering further around the town, I happily snapped these..........................

Mosaics on the side of the shelter, where foot passengers wait for the ferry to Raymond Island.
                                      The ferry coming across the narrow strait from the island.

                                                         Looking towards part of the marina.

I was surprised and fearful for these two & their four cygnets, asleep on the boards where the ferry ties up, but they were fine, as the ferry has buffers it comes in against & when the gangplank comes down for the cars to alight, they are well underneath.  Phew.....................
On the way home we stopped to snap a few interesting (to me) places.
 I loved this old abandoned farm with it's tank stand, old  homestead sheltered by the tree & the derelict shedding.  

      I'm not too sure what this building is, but it's both weird and interesting.                                

We headed for home on Friday & I took the photo below of one of the many pretty garden beds adorning the main street of Yarram before we left.

Leaving the beautiful countryside of East Gippsland & heading into the LaTrobe Valley, you see this eyesore, though I suppose it is an essential part of our lives these days, especially as so many are now relying on power to use the internet for essential work to stay employed.

This post is probably somewhat disjointed due to my photos changing position occasionally (don't know why), and me losing so much of my mojo and motivation "again" of late.  

Hope you've enjoyed this break we had and I'll be back with catchups of the garden, crafting & some local walking.  Will things ever get better?

Take care all, stay safe & huggles from down under.

Saturday 17 October 2020



The day again arrived overcast and drizzly, but we packed some lunch & thermos and headed towards Loch Sport, somewhere we've not been to before.  Loch Sport is a holiday destination & not much else, a spit of land sandwiched between the Gippsland Lakes and Ninety Mile Beach.


Along the way we spotted these and I took a photo from my window, due to it being very overgrown along the verge & I'd probably have disappeared into it, but DH braved getting out and................oh my...... the car filled with mosquitoes.  Hundreds of them, which we then swatted at, all the way to Loch Sport.

Finding a car park not far from the beach we parked up, ate our lunch, then with a break in the misty showers, we quickly walked down to the beach.  A few photos follow.

Walking against the wind.

Looking at the small sand-hills & bordering scrub. 

Another misty shower as I took this snap of the information board.

Looking down the track to the car park from the information board.

Turning back toward the sea.

More of the coastal ti-tree beside the car park.
We decided to head for the caravan taking another unexplored route along the coastal road beside Ninety Mile Beach.  First we had to cross a small inlet to take us back through town & I just had to snap this.................
Big Nessie & Little Nessie.
Somebody has an imagination.

Oh and this was the surprise of the day and I couldn't believe my eyes.  Pulled over quickly and at least got one good photo as she turned to look at us, then hopped away to follow her two companions.
Mum with her joey in someone's front yard in Loch Sport.

Also spotted these two murals on private houses.

And a better photo of the emus, who had moved to a more open paddock.

Plus more of the coastal ti-tree and heath in both pink & white.
Finally driving along the coastal road, we discovered this..................
The last remains of the shipwreck Trinculo which you can read about on the board .

A small curly sponge I spotted beside the wreck.

After capturing the last photo, I was suddenly inundated with mosquitoes once again & made a quick retreat towards the track back to the car.   Luckily they didn't follow us and we could take the track at our leisure & more photo spotting for me.
Lichen covered trees.

                     A carpet of lime green moss.
Breakfast finished, we had already planned to have lunch at Port Albert on one of the days as a little luxury treat.  They have a great fish and chip shop, so off we went.  Murky weather once again and also very windy.  Taking another new to us road, we came upon the little locality of Tarraville, which boasts a handful of houses, an old school and church, so out with the camera once again.
The church, above & below.

The school, above and below.

I also spotted this beautiful derelict building and anyone who knows me well, must know that I can't resist these evocative structures.
Isn't it lovely?

Arrived in Port Albert to howling wind & much misty rain, so no decent photos.  I'll remedy that some day, but the fish & chips were lovely.  Headed for home along the South Gippsland Highway, where you pass through the small township of Alberton where I found a mural on the side of the Hotel on an earlier trip down this way.  Hence the clearer sky, as we'd had better weather back then early in the year.

Another lovely (although wet & windy) day was had, and discovering lots of new to us roads off main highways is something we delight in.  Not for everyone I know.
I'll catch up again hopefully tomorrow with the last bit of the trip, as I've lost count of all the things I've been going to post about over the last 2 months, namely some of our local walks & drives and lots of crafty bits.  Thanks for following & still commenting everyone.
Take care, stay safe & huggles.