Saturday 20 November 2021

FRIDAY PHOTO SCAVENGER HUNT - Something we see everyday......

 Linking up with Astrid for the hunt this week and although I know what I see most days, was it going to be of any interest to others? So once again I've probably been a bit wayward.  Well, here goes...........

Looking from our side entrance, across the road to the farm that is basically in the middle of suburbia.  I often refer to this as "Middle Farm" and  realise that one day it will be cut up for housing, but at least I can see the cows grazing and a tractor working for now.

Looking at the sky at different times of day can be absolutely fascinating with different cloud formations and colours, so here is a selection from my archives.

The next one was taken last week about mid morning and this has been very much the weather we've had for most of November so far, though not always with the rainbow.  Each of the sky photos has been taken from home.
Must admit to the garden being messy at the moment due to the incessant inclement weather, though the blueberries are netted now.

Not as much of this has been done lately either, but a few things we see on our close to home walks are of course trees and a couple of quaint boardwalks across marshy areas.

A beautiful white bark gum in someones front yard.  I do have lots more tree photos, so only one more with a bit of a story to go with it.
This is now a vacant block which once had a beautiful 2 story art deco type house on it and I'd always admired it from when we moved to this town in 2004.  We live closer  now and one day as we turned the corner to come home, they were tearing it down and it has been like this for the last 3-4 years with a small sign that claims to a child care centre being built on it.  As the Pandemic hit, all was put on hold, but is now about to go ahead soon.  In the centre of those trees is a beautiful old lamp,  that I'm going to inquire about, as it would make a lovely garden ornament.  

One last photo which some will know as I used to often talk about out resident magpies and they still come and at this time of year with bubs in tow, can make an awful racket hoping I'll put out a few breadcrumbs for them.  They only get a tiny bit as bread isn't good for them, but I can't help spoiling these amusingly friendly birds.  I do love all our birdlife, but these are special.
Taken late last year with my Butcher bird sitting on the fence too.

OK, that's enough for me today and although it's cloudy, we've a few things to attend to this morning and I'll link up now and read all the other hunter posts tonight.
Take care all, have a great weekend and huge hugs from down under.


  1. I love the white bark gum, it's beautiful, though my favourite pic has to be the 4th sky one - it looks like those wisps of cloud have shot up from a fountain behind the trees :)

    1. Thanks Eunice and I do love trees, but I wanted something more local that I see regularly & I love photographing clouds too.

  2. You have chosen some lovely photos of what you see everyday, so interesting and I love your sky photos. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Thanks Eileen, I'm glad I joined in this month though next week's may be a tough one for me.

  3. I love your cloud pictures - I take loads of pictures of them too. Favourite has to be the beautiful White Gum tree. It is sad when houses are taken down to make way for something else, here is is usually more housing but several crammed onto the site. Do hope you can get that old lamp post. I too will have to think about 'tradition' for next week so I had better start thinking about it soon. Keep well. xx

    1. Thanks C. Our gums tend to be like clouds with such a big variety, that I'm often found with camera in hand snapping away at sky, trees or animals. Better put my thinking cap on too for next weeks.

  4. You have some stunning skies there Susan 😃

  5. Lovely sky photos, they illustrate so well how things we see everyday can change so often. Your magpies sound like characters. I'm not so fond of them here as they take eggs and chicks from other birds' nests. It's awful to hear the commotion of the birds when they see the danger of a magpie close by.

    1. Thanks Jo. I'm in agreement with you that the everyday things some take for granted but never really notice. Our magpies are more likely to attack humans at nesting time & definitely don't steal from other birds and can be very friendly with humans & will even entrust their chicks with care if in a needy situation. Our eldest son has one that comes & perches on the arm of his outdoor chair next to him to be fed.

  6. I am always amazed by clouds (well, may be not all of them, the dreary grey mush ones are not high on my favourites list!) but the sheer variety of shapes and sizes of clouds is phenomenal :)

    1. Thanks Kate, I'm always amazed too. When young, my Dad & I used to lay on our backs and see what shapes they were & see if we could pick out any like animals or objects. It was fun & I taught our kids to look at them closely too.

  7. Oh, those skies are lovely, so too is the rainbow.

    All the best Jan

  8. I agree with the earlier comments; the white bark gum tree is splendid. I too like to look at clouds and do try to see shapes in them! Simple pleasures that are free! Good luck with the lamp post. Take care.

    1. Thanks M. Simple pleasures are a great part of life & necessary these days.

  9. I seem to be able to comment again. Super photos, I like the white bark gum tree. Take care:)

    1. Thanks Rosie, glad we are all able to comment again, though I still have problems with some. Just heard at least 4 kookaburras laughing very loudly, trying to wake the neighbourhood.

  10. Your photos are lovely, I hope the farm stays a farm for as long as possible! The sky ones are beautiful, especially with the orange and reds. I love the rainbows, I spy a faint one too!

    1. Thanks Astrid. I hope the farm stays as long as we live here.

  11. I don't know how I missed commenting on this post.... I thought I had.. Those clouds are stunning but then you always take such great photos Susan

    1. Thanks Cherie & its OK to miss some.....I know I do & what with the i'net being a bit hit'n'miss at the moment I'm struggling to keep up.

    2. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your lovely photos. xx
