Friday 19 February 2021


 Linking up with Kate today for our weekly photo hunt & mine may be just a little boring.  I really struggled with this as life seems so mundane at the moment.

I accepted a challenge from my friend Joy of Days Filled with Joy, to co-host a Quiltalong with one of my own designs & she will be doing one of hers, so I've been muddling along trying to figure out yardages, cutting instructions & beginning to piece the first block.  BUT.............alas this decided to give up the ghost.

Whilst busy with pressing & cutting pieces,  watching & listening to the lovely music that accompanies a DVD, I watch a lot on my small TV, suddenly all went off & quiet.  My iron had spat water everywhere and tripped the power board they were plugged into & that was it.  Oh dear, I rang Joy, told her the bad news & couldn't go to replace it until we were out of lockdown.  The only shops open were grocery stores & supermarket.
This was part of what I'd been working on. 
An unexpected delay, but great news on Thursday & restrictions had been eased a little and retail shops were once again opening, so a quick trip to our local Harvey Norman & I came away with this.
Not the same as what I had, but they are waiting on a shipment of Tefal irons & had no idea when it would arrive, so I opted for this.  Many, many moons ago I worked for Sunbeam Corporation in Sydney as an Accounting Machine Operator.  I wonder how many even know what they are these days.
Another little "unexpected" bonus was that my other iron was still under warranty & as this one wasn't as expensive I got some money back.  Something I definitely wasn't expecting. ๐Ÿ˜Š

A silly little snippet from me and I may or may not do a post over the weekend, but will be back on Monday for the start of the QAL with Joy.
Take care all and stay safe.  I'm off to link this up & will see what the others have come up.
Hugs, Susan.


  1. My iron stopped working a couple of weeks ago too, it happened just as I'd finished the pile of ironing, which I was glad about, I hate it when it happens just as you're about to start. I was all ready to replace it as I've had it a while but it turned out to just be the fuse so it's saved me a bit of money on a new iron.

    1. Glad you didn't have to get a new one Jo & it amuses me at times when we both have a similar incident close together. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. I'm glad you were able to purchase a replacement iron and some money back too, that's good. We have a strange situation here that stores can't sell non-essential items but what's non-essential to one person might be essential to another.

    1. I bought the iron from one of our big chain retail stores which are all over Oz, not a small electrical outlet as we don't have many of those here & none in our town.

  3. What a pain ... I’m glad you didn’t have to wait too long to get a replacement. I remember once when my hair straighteners packed in ... I’d just done one side of my hair and was going out so I did look a little odd ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    1. It was a pain, especially the water all over the ironing board & fabric I was ironing.

  4. Naughty iron! An iron is essential to a quilter! Money back too so that was good. Have fun.

  5. Glad you were able to replace your iron quite quickly. As Eileen said above, non essential shops are all closed but you can buy those 'non essentials' at the supermarkets!! Small shops losing out again. ๐Ÿ˜• xx

    1. Thanks Carol & I explained to Eileen that it wasn't a small retailer, though most of ours are open again now with all the mandatory rules in place.

  6. Glad you got sorted Susan - at least you didn't blow the whole electricity at the same time. We're resorting to buying a lot online while our lockdown is still going on - extended now til 1st April ... phew.

    1. Thanks Fil. I don't buy anything on-line, though we we could do click & collect if we wanted too, via the phone as well. P & T should be home soon from Qld., so will get to meet them then I hope.

  7. I'm glad you got your new iron so that you could get back to "work" :) Looking forward to Monday!!! xx

  8. Is there a way to subscribe to your blog by e-mail? I didn't see a button in the sidebar, and I'd like to have the help to remember about the BOM blocks. LOL I've had two Tefal irons, and they were nice, as long as they lasted. They are made more for regular sewists, and not the abuse we quilters give irons by using them hours at a time! I went back to my favorite Black & Decker because they started making it again. It usually lasts 4-5 years instead of less than 2. I haven't had a sunbeam in a long time, but it used to be a good iron. I hope yours gives you great service!

    1. I wish I could help with that email button, but don't know how to do it.

  9. I'm glad you didn't have to wait too long to replace your iron. I remember the Sunbeam brand, many years ago my mum had a Sunbeam toaster. I haven't heard the name for years though so I thought they'd gone out of business long ago.

    1. Thanks Eunice & the factory was huge & made all the appliances that were sold in Oz. I worked there for 3 years from 1969 till 72 when I had my first baby. Loved working there and now it all seems to be made in Asia.

  10. when my iron died, I never replaced it ... it was the one we were given as a wedding present and I refused to replace it - I ab-so-looot-ly HATE ironing - so it was an easy decision (not a confession haha!)

    1. Not sure how you manage that Kate, but once the children left home & with K retired, I don't do as much as before, though I do need it for my sewing.
