Friday the 1st of March saw me delivering my entries to the show pavilion by 11am.
Around 9pm we watched from our front verandah as the fireworks lit up the sky for the carnival night of the show.
Fireworks |
Saturday arrived and we walked down to the showground to check out my entries and wander around to see the animals and other events.
I patted a beautiful shire horse, but the one beside it was so large I was in awe. Being only 149cm tall I was quite intimidated. Most of the others were not nearly as large. They are such lovely animals.
We also saw budgies, poultry, cattle, alpacas and goats. We live in a dairy farming area so there are always plenty of cows. As we once had a goat, I had to go and say hello to them.
Now to those entries for the show. I haven't photographed the my slices or scones, but I did get First Place in both.
Foliage, sedum & berries. |
As seen from the photo above, I placed first here, which surprised me as there was so little to pick from the garden due to both hot weather and no rain. We have only had 41.5mm so far this year and things aren't good. There were only 4 entries in this category.
Framed cross stitch and embroidered cushion. |
Autumn in the Dales quilt (medium) |
Starlight, Starbright. (small) |
Now onto the Craft Section. I entered an Embroidered Cushion, a Framed Cross Stitch (small) and 2 quilts.These were a medium/large one and a smaller one that were pieced/quilted by the exhibitor.
I was completely surprised that I got a second for my cross stitch as the other entries were truly beautiful.
My cushion, I'm afraid was the only entry in this category and sometimes they won't award a prize if the standard isn't high enough so I think maybe luck was on my side with the first.
My medium quilt was sitting along side about 8 others and I was thrilled that I got a first and also best in show. My smaller one also took out a first prize. I walked out feeling as though I was on Cloud Nine.
The smaller quilt I made many years ago, but it lay unquilted till I got my new machine,so being asked to put in a couple of quilts I chose this one. The pattern came from a book called Quilts and Borders by Trudie Hughes and was called California Star.
The medium quilt is my own design (although I have seen many similar) made to use a jelly roll I purchased. I'll admit that I do love this quilt.
Concert Street Organ. |
I just loved this. It is the largest outdoor automatic pipe organ to reach Australia from Belgium.
Well that is about it from me today and will post next week on other matters.
Have a lovely week bloggers.