Friday 25 May 2018


Here we are once again hunting for photos with Kate.
This month's list I found tricky due to life getting in the way and not having posted since the last one in April, has proved a sore point for me, but hopefully things will settle into a routine once more & I can craft, garden and just generally do the "stuff" that seems normal.
                                                                   THE LIST.

1.  COOL.
                                       One very frosty morning last winter in our front yard.

A limb from a very large gum tree in the yard behind us came crashing down on our fence, just as hubby had walked up from that corner over at No.4.  It gave him one mighty fright.  The date on  the photo is not when it happened & I think it was some time around 2006/7.  My old camera went back to it's original date each time the battery went flat.  That is so annoying!!

On a quick unexpected trip to Sydney last week to sort out issues with little brother, we stayed in Kiama on the south coast of NSW & went for a walk one morning to check out the "BLOWHOLE" & it was living up to it's name beautifully.  The sea was just swelling enough to bring the water into the hole in the rocks & then "whoosh", up she came.  This always fascinated me as a child 60+ years ago and still does.

I really struggled with this one, but trawling through the archives last night, voila, just what I needed.
Taken in 2016 whilst out walking with my good friend Jayne from The View from Bag End, in the Lakes District,  this fence surrounds a lovely church & has the added bonus of a stone wall & the beautiful mountains behind it.  Ah, just making me want to go back!!!!!

Again, one from the archives.  Taken at Mallacoota on the east coast of Victoria, way back in 2012 whilst coming back from Canberra, after seeing our youngest son & family.  Not too sure what it is exactly, but it was definitely dangerous with those spiky thorn-like bits.

Now this is my "silly" moment.  I've no pets anymore & most of the other hunters, tend to show off their gorgeous dogs for their own choice, so to keep in the swing of things, here is one I took yesterday.  This doggie sits at the entrance to an Agricultural Contractors yard on the edge of town & he is sort of cute.

OK, my lot done for this month & hopefully I'll be posting a tad more over the next half of this year, as I do have some days out and crafty bits to blog about.  Over the weekend I'll catch up with the other hunters & add my name to the link.
Enjoy the weekend everyone, take care and sending lots of huggles to all.