Wednesday 30 August 2017


Joining in on our monthly hunt for interesting photos to go with a set of words from the lovely Kate.
I nearly forgot all about it, as this month has been a bit of a chore with some of our coldest weather in a long time and just being a tad overwhelmed at the moment with aches, stress & the overall yucky world news.  This Hunt helps me refocus and hopefully, I'll feel like keeping up with my blog again.
Hubby relaxing on a timber seat during a day out a few weeks ago.  Actually, they weren't very comfortable at all.

2.  IT BEGINS WITH AN M..........
MAILBOX.......Here in Oz, we do see some very quirky mail boxes, as unlike UK, our posties ride a small motorbike to deliver our mail & our boxes are at the front gate, though some are going over to electric pushbikes now in the suburbs and country towns.  Out in the countryside, you often see a line of mailboxes together at the junction of a side road or lane.  These deliveries are usually done by car.

3.  TIME FOR........
TEA..... a miniature teaset at the NT. property McCrae's Homestead which we visited earlier this year.  Isn't it cute & I can imagine a little girl having lots of fun with it.

OK, not very original, but this was the colour of the car we hired last year whilst travelling in UK.  We could definitely spot where we had parked it.

5.  IT BEGINS WITH AN O.......
OVENS.....   I took this photo of the communal ovens in Corbridge, Northumberland in 2011.  If you click on it, you can read the blue plaque explanation.

Oooh,  I found this one difficult, but thought this closeup of some white gum blossom, looked sort of whiskery.

7.  LACE.
IRON LACE......The wrought iron lace on the top verandahs of this row of terrace houses in Melbourne is, I think, lovely when kept in good condition.  It was used on many houses and even bridges here in Australia in our colonial past.

SEA BRIDGE.....  Actually, I've shown this before, but think that some bloggers who do the Hunt, may not have seen it.  Just south of Sydney, it was built to replace the road that kept slipping into the sea at the bottom of the cliffs.  There are several view points to take photos and I took this one in 2014.  I must like taking pics of bridges, as I found at least 8 to choose from & dithered over which one to pick.

Whoops!!  Just one letter, that I found at 4 Elms Nursery in Kent last year & wanted to bring home with me, as hubby's name starts with a K.  We didn't think we'd like to pay extra for luggage so left it there and only took a photo.

Beach hut roofs.
Taken last Sunday, when we popped out for me to go to a small Quilt Show at Mornington.  We ate our lunch looking down on these, clouds rolling in, people walking dogs along the beach, some rowers in canoes and seagulls soaring on the wing.

Well, that's me done for another month and look forward to seeing what everyone else has chosen to go with their words.
Happy September all, Spring for us and Autumn in the northern hemisphere.
Thanks Kate.

Sunday 13 August 2017


Well, where has the time gone since I last sat & posted.  Maybe, because we've been busy, both on the home front & out and about.

Thursday the 3rd, we popped on over to Bairnsdale to pick up another chuck for hubby's lathe & whilst in the vicinity went out to Paynesville, ate our picnic lunch then boarded the small ferry as pedestrians (free) to take the Koala Walk on Raymond Island.  It was very cold, but we so enjoyed.  I was doubtful if we'd see any grey woolly bumps in the trees, but oh, what a feast.  This could be a bit top heavy with photos.
                                                                 LOOKING DOWN.
The start of the walk from near the ferry 

I had a sore neck, by the time we'd made it back to the water's edge.

 A Banksia tree in full flower.

And sipping nectar, is a lovely Rainbow Lorikeet.

We walked along here.

Came to this seating area where parents can watch their children paddling.

The ferry coming across the river.  It's not far & only takes about 5 minutes.

Looking across to Paynesville.

Looking along the river with the mountains in the distance.

A black swan crossing the path.

A plethora of birds......2 pelicans, many seagulls, 2 different sorts of shags & 2 swans aswimming.

                                                           LOOKING DOWN AGAIN.
Not the best, but here we have a jelly fish floating near the jetty.

Now this was something I'd never seen before, both on the way to Paynesville & back.  Lucky for me they were still there for a photo on our way home.
So many black swans in a large paddock.  Usually you see them near water, but I think there might have been something tasty they were after in here.

Yesterday we needed milk, so popped out & also took a little trip to work out times for our Coffee/cake run next Wednesday & came home via a gravel road & spotted a paddock of these............
I've not seen so many this close to home, even though we use a lot of back roads in the area.  Lucky I had the camera in the car.

Oh, BTW it is now Sunday & been reasonably warm after so many cold, inclement days, so hubby set about finishing these.  Um... just a couple of pics.
Busy, working, doing............


Huuuuh!  This says it all.  I think he's glad that's nearly done.
We purchased a pressure washer yesterday too & the treads will look better for a wash, as will some of our paving once Spring is here.  These steps were timber & very narrow & as we aren't getting any younger, we decided before winter, that they needed to be wider.  We already find them so much better.
Although I'm sitting here doing this post, I've not been too idle with washing done, a Butterscotch Tart made & trying to finish this on the big machine.
A few UFO tablemats, that I popped onto the end of the Mystery Case quilt backing, which is rolled up behind.  I needed to do this, as I have a customer quilt coming in next week.  What!!!, you say. "But you don't do quilts now for other people".  Well, a friend popped in during last week & asked if I'd do one for her and I said yes. 
OK, I've babbled on for long enough & posted way too many pics, but I'm just catching up with what we've been up to.  Another busy week ahead, so may be quiet again till next weekend.
Take care all, have a good week & huggles from

Tuesday 1 August 2017


Linking with Joy for a few things that have been completed or finalised in some way over the last few months.

I'll start with 2 "proper" finishes.

 A jumper I started before we went to UK last year.  I finally sewed it together & did the neck band at the beginning of July and it has already been toasty warm for me on some very cold days.

Bibliophile Anonymous
Now this quilt, I think, was shown a few months back, sitting on the quilt machine, partially done.  It is now finished & is being used as part of a display at one of our local libraries.  A sampler done many a year ago.

Jewel Parti.
This is the quilt I made at Judy's Mystery Case weekend back at the end of June.  OK, not quilted yet, but at least pieced.  It is ready and waiting with it's backing to be quilted this week, I hope.

Now for a few more tops I've been working on over the last few months.  There are 5, all my own designs to try and use up my rather extensive stash.  Well, I did make my first quilt 40 years ago.

Judy's Promise.
This is the one I struggled with, and is now waiting to be quilted.
Water Meadows.
Another  one to play with what I had on hand.

Do you see a trend?  My trouble is that I like designing, then see them come together, and quilt when I'm in the mood.  Naughty me.

Dotty Custard.
This is made with a jelly roll & 1 background.  I did make 2 quilts a few months back (both quilted) to show how to get two from one jelly roll & this is along the same lines.  There is another one on paper & just waiting for me to have time to start it.
Cafe Culture.
Just off the machine.  I made this in the early 2000's from fabric that depicts French Cafes.  I'm hoping that someone I know with a lovely coffee shop will appreciate it once I've done the binding.
Below is the fabric on the back.  Isn't it cool.\
It is quilted with coffee cups.

Whoopsa Daisy.
OK, this is one that shouldn't be on here, but I couldn't help myself.
Some people know that I want to write a book and have been making quilts for it, for several years.
This is one of them, but I can't tell anymore.
Yes, it's bright.
I'll leave this with one last photo.  Today is the 1st of August, (I'm running late),which here in Oz is both Horse's birthday and Wattle day.

A vase of wattle on the kitchen counter.
Have a good week all and a wonderful August.
Take care.