A quick post before I set off for Vision.
The Quilt Show was great and daughter and I had a very enjoyable day, but ran out of time. I wasn't going to buy anything, but did come home with a few items, much to daughter's amusement. I did miss getting some small buttons for an old stitchery. I will try and take a photo of what I bought, though one is destined for Xmas presents, so that won't be in the pic.
Below are some photos I took yesterday out in the garden. It was a beautiful day, sunny and nearly 20deg. I had the door and windows open and got plenty of washing dry. It is quite wet and cooler today.
Anemones |
The fairy ring of daffodils starting to flower. |
Pieris {it smells heavenly). |
Green Goddess arum lily which I thought I'd lost earlier in the heat and dry of last summer. |
Bulbs - daffodils, star flowers, bluebells and violets. As you can see by the support, my gardens are very steep and I cannot stand in them to weed or anything else.
Now to the studio. In April last year when I got the new quilting machine, I had to change my room around, but have never been happy with the arrangement. Yesterday, after selling my old cutting table/desk, I decided to do a rejig. This is how it has ended up and I hope to ask for some feedback as to ideas anyone might have. I need to get rid of some larger pieces of furniture which are so bulky and have more streamlined storage. Is that a good idea? As we will be moving in the near future I really must get organised.
Excuse the mess.
The auction went well on Sunday, although I was terribly tired by the end. Below are 2 photos. The one of the three ladies waiting for the first lot of sheets has their permission to be on this blog. I did take photos at the quilt show, but because of so many restrictions I haven't put any on.
F, Me and B.
Sale items on one of the tables. |
All for now and hope to get some sewing, knitting and embroidery done this week Keep your fingers crossed for me. Susan.