What happens when you move to a new house, purchased as it met most criteria and, yes, had a neutral colour scheme. Neutral in this case is "GREY". Everything is grey:- walls, carpet, 4 piece bathroom suite, floor tiles, kitchen cupboards, vinyl flooring, laundry cupboards, dining room light fitting, and some of the curtains. Now, not all the curtains are grey, but are of good quality and cover the windows well, so keeping the heat out in summer and the warmth in, in winter. Well, what do you do when you can't really afford to change them, although the colours just aren't right in some rooms. Why, you play musical curtains.
Here's what we did. The navy blue ones in our bedroom, were both too dark and just didn't go with most of my quilts, so they went into one of the spare bedrooms. The sewingroom ones were deep green, so ended up in our room. The pink in the other spare bedroom are now in the sewing room and we swapped the study navy blue curtains with the other spare bedroom grey ones, lightening the study very well. All rooms now seem to just be better suited to us and the way we use them, so compromise isn't such a bad thing after all.
Having been interrupted several times trying to do this post, I will just pop one photo here from Tuesday night after a shower of rain. We actually recorded 3mm, the same as the whole month of February. I spoke of the cockatoos, flying around most nights and making a lot of noise, well I stand corrected as they are actually Little Corellas, a type of cocky. They were enjoying drinking from the puddles on the road and let me get quite close.
If you click to enlarge, you'll be able to see the pink on their necks. |
Another photo, this time, part of our back garden and on Saturday ( a special day), I'll pop on another photo of the same, but you will notice a difference.
Best go and make a phone call and do some more stitching on the baby quilt binding. Have a great Friday ladies and hopefully I'll have time to post on Saturday morning.
Take care.