I have a new larger camera lens, that takes distance photos much better. Yesterday hubby and I went for a walk along Lake Learmonth and I was able to take photos of the wind turbines on the far hills, which I tried once before and you couldn't make them out. We had priced them before and they were more expensive than I thought, but Friday we popped into JB Hi-fi and found they were about half price, so came home with one. Now I'll be able to show some better photos. (maybe!) Some pics below taken around Learmonth.
Some of the wind turbines. |
The lake is very low at the moment and the swans are waddling around the mudflats. |
Incredibly fascinating fungi. Lots of it on the cut down tree stumps. |
Australian Magpies. |
Today I tried to get down to some sewing, as I've been working with these scraps. Not the best photo.
They are now becoming this!
Then a decision to be made on which fabric to use for the setting triangles. Not sure whether it should be the stripey one on the left or the fluttery bits on the right. Have you any ideas in blogland? The teal blue will be a very narrow inner border and the colouful one the outer border.
I finished the peg bag. The rick rack was a leftover and the lace is vintage, I think. It was in my late Mum's stuff.
This is my sewing corner. My cutting table is to the left of where I was standing. Not as big as the room I use for my Gammill, but I can overspill into there when I need to.
I was hoping to load another quilt onto my long arm system, but I made these instead.
One is now iced and will go with me tomorrow morning to Smythesdale Craft Group with the lovely Joy from Days filled with Joy. I'm going to drive there myself, we hope. Still not confident in the big black beast.
Lastly, a couple more photos from yesterday.
Hubby "leaning on the lamp post". |
Somebody's back yard. Don't you just love the pencils. Reminded me of the large pencil at the Derwent Pencil Factory in Cumbria. |
The old Masonic Lodge building,. |
The path outside the above building. Wouldn't it make the most wonderful quilt pattern. I already have ideas.
This was going to be a quick post, but has taken longer than I thought. I did take some photos of the churches in Learmonth, but one doesn't show very well, and I also saw another one at the beginning of town, so will do those another day. They are all so different.
Hope you've all had a great weekend and take care.
Till next time.