A busy week, but not much in the way of photos taken, as it seemed to be made up mostly of appointments and such.
Monday, the doctor, Tuesday, dentist, Wednesday, optometrist and Thursday, a massage. Friday saw us head towards Melbourne to shop for a couple of things not available here in our area. On the way home, I stopped off at friend V's and found she'd been hospital to have here gall bladder removed. As she has a long-arm machine too and not able to use it at the moment, she passed over two baby quilts to be quilted by the end of October. That's OK as I've nothing on the machine at the moment.
On Saturday we went to the weekly meeting of the WGVRC (West Gippsland Vehicle Restorer's Club) which we recently joined. On the third Saturday of the month, some of them go on a short run to have a barbecue/picnic, which makes a lovely outing. This time it was out to Blue Rock Dam, where we sat and ate and chatted. The others all left around 2pm, but hubby and I stayed and had a walk along part of the Lake and back again. It was a nice day and not too hot. I only took one photo.
This was the first part of the walk, then we headed toward the edge of the village and back along a path beside the road, which was shaded by lots of trees.
Not a lot has been done this week, but I have managed to get 'this' to a stage where it now only needs the borders.
I think it was back in May 2013, I showed these stitcheries I'd done and not sure how to set them. A lot of graph paper and browsing through books etc., I came up with a couple of ideas how to set seven individual blocks. Not all went smoothly, with lots of unpicking, running out of blue fabric and changing a couple of bits around. Hopefully, once the baby quilts are done, I'll finish this.
I have managed to fit some crocheting in of a night, along with working on a few little things for my Xmas swap partner.
It's growing. |
I'm probably not as far along as some, but still enjoying.
Other Stuff.
The Morris Minor is coming along slowly, with the tray sides still to be done. It has had it's first coat of paint and we actually took it down to town today to pick up some milk. It's not been out for about 3 months, I'll post a pic soon.
The garden is sort of plodding along and our two baby magpies have taken flight, we think, as the nest is sometimes empty. It's been fun to watch all the comings and goings from the olive tree.
About all for now. Have a good week and take care.