Just a quick post before we set off tomorrow morning to Ballarat, to visit my friend Joy.
It's been very cold, as it is WINTER! Yesterday we had lots of rain, teeny, weeny hail that we used to call sago snow and................ SNOWFLAKES too, but not very much. The backyard looked like this, though not a good photo as it was taken through the window. It didn't last long, as it doesn't really snow here, but was fun to watch it float on down for a few minutes.
Back steps. |
As we had to go and get some milk, we decided to take the long way round to see if the higher hills to the north of us had any, but no, not the ones close by, but we did stop at our favourite cafe in Jindivik and have coffee/tea, then into town to buy said milk. It was lovely and warm in the caf.
Hubby trying to take a photo on his phone of an advert in a magazine (motorbikes), but look at the lovely log fire. |
Lastly, in the morning I did some baking, as I thought it was a warming thing to do on the forecast cold day, which turned out to be right.
An apricot/walnut slice and a lemon drizzle cake. |
You've probably noticed the cake is already cut. We had a slice each this morning before we set off to our Car Club. It is still chilly today and I've basically stayed inside fiddling around, doing something & nothing, though that's not exactly true. I cut some pieces for my current patchwork project, and cut four of them back to front and had to recut. Phew, why don't we sometimes, stop & make sure we take more care. I cut a huge flower off my poor little rhubarb plant & hope it now starts to grow better. I did a little paperwork, looked at some patterns for an old quilt that needs quilting and played some records for a change.
OK, enough of my waffling for now. Hope you weekend is shaping up well.
Take care all.