OK.......where did February go?
Been a busy month of appointments, hot weather and trying to keep on top of blueberry picking & car club stuff. Not done a lot of crafting, but did have a few days fussing & stressing over something I'd wanted to do for a while with a gifted pattern and using my stash. This will be the "Part 1".
We also took some time out for a short trip which will be shown slowly over the next month or so as I took many photos. This will be "Part 2".
Linking with Sandra from mmm.quilts for her DrEaMi post.Mine is quite paltry, as it isn't quilted yet, but did take many days of stressing over the fact that I'd read the fabric requirement wrong and only wanted to use from my stash. So instead of using one background fabric I've used 2. This is how it turned out................
The Cascade pattern from Joanne at Canuck Quilter which I was gifted after participating in a QAL. |
This will have to be done in stages and hope everyone enjoys seeing some of our wonderful creatives and scenery here in Oz.
We started out on Sunday & headed towards Ballarat to visit my friend Joy, then off towards Stawell, staying at Lake Fyans Caravan Park.
Monday morning saw us head out to our first silos in Horsham, where we also picked up a new brochure than the one we had & also found the most amazing Newsagent that had a plethora of magazines & books, a gift shop and cafe.
Our first silos of our adventure.
Next we arrived in Natimuk.
Now a photo, completely opposite of the ones above, being some grain storage in a paddock.
Covered storage after harvesting. |
Some children's art on display. |
Interesting in the window of this shop that wasn't open. |
OOH...............a one eyed monster made from some very interesting castoffs. |
A dry creek bed beside the car park. |
Passing by Mt. Arapiles with the little side lump of rock to the right of first photo and in the second a great gaping hole in the middle which looks like an open mouth. You many need to click on it to enlarge.
Next stop was Goroke and its silos.
And here we have 2 of my favourite birds..............a kookaburra and a magpie.
As we left town heading for Kaniva we passed this little display in a farmers front paddock.
Isn't it gotgeous. |
In this part of Western Victoria, much of the landscape is broad-acre farming with the emphasis on a variety of grains, which of course go to the wonderful painted silos along the train line.
Last photo for today of the wide open countryside.
That's it for today and hope I've not bored anyone too much and I will be back with a few more posts of our adventures, plus, more crafty fun when it happens.Thanks everyone who follows, take care and hugs.