I am still here, packing, sorting, tired, but also excited. Less than two weeks to go.
The weather has been atrocious for Autumn. Feels more like the middle of winter already.
Now the gift I've mentioned came from my friend Judy from
News from Jude, who I met in August 2013, but she also blogs and I won a gift on her giveaway recently, which was a real surprise as I didn't realise she'd had one.
I received this lovely sewing case full of goodies, including some sweets, needlecase, cotton, tape measure, glossy photo paper, covered notebook, tweezers and a lovely charm pack. I'll think what I may do with the charm pack once settled. I was absolutely amazed at winning and just love it. THANKS Judy.
There's not too much to tell at the moment, but I have finished the binding on the Xmas Raffle quilt and am just about to label the quilt for my nephew and get it sent off. The two baby quilts arrived safely, one just in time for my great nephews arrival. My niece put a photo on Facebook of him lying on it. Great!
We've taken our caravan over to my friends' place, along with a lot of pot plants that they are going to look after. One that didn't go was my little cyclamen someone gave me about 6 years ago. I had thought about repotting it this year, but haven't, but just look at it at the moment. I brought it inside so I could see it flowering.
Can you see the tiny bud? There are some more coming too. |
Well not much more to tell, except that hubby and I wrapped the rollers on my long arm in cling wrap today and we will dismantle her over the next week, so won't be doing much machine sewing of any sort for a few weeks. I've knitting and some embroidery to keep me amused at night.
Just for a treat we bought some of these, as our local supermarket hadn't had any for a few weeks, and they had a fresh lot in. We will make them last (giggle).
Yummy! |
Thanks for being with me on this our second move in such a short while and I value your comments very much. I'm so looking forward to going home, being near friends, a lovely garden and just being more like the old me. It's been a bit of a journey, but life is like that sometimes.
Hopefully I'll be able to post at least once before we move and that our internet doesn't play up again, which is one reason I've not posted. We had 2 blackouts last week and had to have it reset.
All for now, take care and huggles,