Saturday, 4 January 2020


Due to the unbelievable fires here in Oz, which are breaking my heart with the devastation, loss of life & homes, businesses and the manpower needed to tackle the situation, I feel not in the least interested in doing any blog posts.  SORRY, SORRY. 
My friend Joy and I hope to get a few things together in the only way we know how to help with our quilting, which doesn't sound much, but better people keeping out of the fire zones if they don't know what they are doing and lending a hand in some other way.  Hopefully I'll keep you posted in the coming weeks, to at least keep my hand in on the blogfront.  I'll also be around for our Photo Hunts.  I'm finding it hard to comment on your posts, but do a little occasional catch up. Again an apology to all of you that I follow.
Just one photo of where we ate our picnic lunch on Christmas Day with the smoke from New South Wales and East Gippsland here in Victoria spoiling the beautiful view.
The "view" from Jindivik Cricket Ground.
Yesterday was appalling with the smoke hanging around, but doesn't seem quite as bad today with a strong breeze blowing, which doesn't bode well with the spread of embers which start more fires in the tinder dry conditions.  Please, please, we need rain................
Happy New Year to all my (hoepfully still), blog followers and today is also our youngest son's 42nd birthday.  Happy birthday J.
Take care all and the biggest huggles from Susan.


  1. We've been watching the news and feeling so sorry for every one affected or involved, sending positive vibes and love to Australia x

    1. Thank you & I know you understand coming from the African continent where it can be similar to this.

  2. We're following what is happening on the news over here, such dreadful loss and devastation. Take care:)

    1. Thanks Rosie. I'd like to try & get in touch with you somehow, maybe by email.

  3. Susan, you have been in my thoughts. We too are following on the news and seeing such sadness for your fellow countrymen. It's understandable that so many others things are taking your time and thoughts at the moment and are more important.
    Take care xx

    1. Thanks so much Julie for caring. When we aren't directly impacted it's hard to know how to help. So many places I know & 2 where we have lived in the past.

  4. Thinking of you out there in Oz, the news features we see are so devastating. Hope you stay safe. Xx

    1. Thanks Sharon & it's been amazing how much of this is being shown in the UK. We've been inundated with messages from our family.

  5. Hope that you are OK as the news is so devastating. Thinking of you and your family.

    1. Thanks Carol, we are OK here, though not too much in spirit with so many places on the coast we pass through & stay on a regular basis as we travel up to Sydney. The town of Batlow has been hit hard, which is where our children went to school for many years, with both our boys actually starting their education there. It's raining here this morning, but we can still smell smoke. I'l be in touch soon.

  6. Thinking of you, and everyone, in Australia.
    The news we see here in the UK … it's devastating.
    Stay safe.

    All the best Jan

  7. Oh Susan, our hearts are breaking for you all - Australia is the top story in the news every night and we are all worried for our friends and family living in Victoria and NSW - stay safe and please please do not be worrying about being here ... there are more important things to worry about at the moment.
    Send you lots of love and good wishes for rain and plenty of it.
    Fil x

    1. Thank you so much Fil. I'll be popping you an email today, hopefully.

  8. I cannot imagine what you are feeling; seeing the reports is heartbreaking. Praying for rain and for Australia. Making quilts is a good plan; people will need everything when they have to start again.

    1. Thanks Joanna. I can't believe the coverage we are getting, but in my 70 years of life here in Oz, I've never ever seen it this bad in so many places at one time. It happens each summer, but usually spread over 3 to 5 months. Thanks again.

  9. I've been thinking of you during the past few weeks. Those fires are just awful. The news coverage is so worrying. Keep safe and see you after the rains come (we have PLENTY that you are moist welcome to) xxx

  10. I can understand that idea of how mundane our little tiny woes may be in light of all the horrendous devastation. I am just so glad Canada has sent firefighters to help out. I thought of you folks on Saturday when we had downpours of rain all day, then back to more seasonal snow on Sunday. So it goes, I guess. Our thoughts are with you that you can count on.
