Monday, 29 March 2021



                                     Linking with Sandra from mmm.quilts chasing squirrels.

Designing this quilt while in lockdown last year, I'd not really thought about making it, as I've so many on my laptop & in my graph book, that it was way down the list.  I happened to show it to someone (along with a few others I'd printed off) & she admired it & said it could be a good QAL, but as I can't write instructions very well, it became a "squirrel" & told me, "Make Me".  It was made from fabric from my stash & the back is leftover backing fabrics cobbled together.  It has been quilted with a pattern call Snowglobes.

On the design board, unquilted but all sewn together.

And now for 2 hero photos, taken this afternoon, but not quite what I had in mind, as we had limited time after visiting the dentist this morning for our final appointments for now.
Taken at Lancey Lookout with the South Gippsland hills in the background.
Outside a derelict old building in Korumburra which we think may have once been a shop & residence.

OK, as I'm running way behind on this, it is short and sweet.  Thanks Sandra for hosting this each month.
Take care all, stay safe & huggles from down under.
BTW:  Had a mild reaction to the Covid vaccination, but feel fine today.

Saturday, 27 March 2021


 Joining in with Kate from I live, I love, I craft, I am me for her final windup of the famous Photo Hunt.

As this is the last photo hunt, I was reluctant to join in with the dark  mood I've been in since the start of the year, but here I am trying to stay motivated, sane and level headed.  We have been out and about a "little", but I get so anxious about everything it  was getting me down & I do understand that nothing will ever be normal again, so blogging maybe one way to stay in touch & calm my feelings.  Not sure any of this makes sense, but I hope my followers can bear with me. 


I've a feeling I may have used these photos before, but we have the "light" coloured kangaroos at Bordertown, S.A., which are so different to what many think of as their usual colour. Taken in August 2013. Notice one brown one on the righthand side.  This is more like the ones we see around here in southern Victoria.


And on the "dark" side we have a whole paddock of black swans looking for a tasty meal.  This photo was taken from the archives too, and was not far from Payneville on the east coast of Victoria.  Taken in August 2017.

OK, that is my lot and not having anything ready has been my downfall this month all along.  Not used my camera much, something I think I may be missing along with crafting and just feeling so blah.  Some of it is probably due to back pain & not being able to get in to see our doctors for long periods of time, though today Keith & I had our first Covid jab.  I'm sceptical, but we did it.  Enough from me.

I'll pop in tomorrow morning & catch up with all the other hunter's posts.  Sorry I've been delayed doing this.

Take care all, stay safe & big hugs from down under.


Friday, 19 March 2021


First off, I have a big THANKS for all the lovely comments on my last post.  Sorry I've not got around to replying, but we've been slightly busy.  DH had his birthday last Monday, so we rewarded ourselves with a lovely day out, amongst keeping up with housework/garden etc.   We have another busy round of things to round off March, including dental visits, which I'm absolutely dreading.

 Linking with Kate for our second last hunt.

I love sunrise/sunset, but seem to be lacking good photos, so I have one of each to show today, both taken in the past from my archives.

This photo was taken at our old house (No. 4) on the other side of town where we could see the sun rise beautifully of a morning.      I think it was taken around April 2009.

Taken in January 2019 here at No. 5, where we can spot the sunset when as it shines through our front door.
I have one other & I cannot work out whether it was taken here or the short space of time we lived in Ballarat.  The dates seem to be somewhat wayward on the properties page, but I didn't even edit it & it's quite spectacular.
                                                                   VIVID SUNSET.

I'll link up & look forward to seeing all the other wonderful photos.
Will I keep blogging when this is finished?  I'm not sure where life is taking us for the moment and this chaos is depressing me terribly.  Is anyone else feeling the same?
Take care all and please stay safe.  Huge virtual hugs from down under.  
Susan.  💓

Saturday, 13 March 2021


I'm finally able to join in & link up with Kate of I live, I love, I craft, I am me for the photo hunt this week.  Sorry I've been AWOL  & explanation will follow at the end of this post.


An afternoon out, way back in 2016 and while walking along the beach I happened to look down. 



I think some children must have been having some fun.  Definitely better than I could do.
Still walking along and saw one of these & yes I've shown them before..............
BUT.....................lay down on your back underneath and what do you see when you look up-------

Again these were taken in 2016, but a long way from home.
Looking up from the footpath & watching the tram starting to descend.
Travelling to the top and looking down from where we'd come.  A most enjoyable experience.

Back on home soil once more and a day out on the Mornington Peninsular in May 2018.
Looking up at the cable cars hanging precariously off their steel cable.  
Looking up to see a Wedgetail Eagle soaring overhead on the thermals.  I absolutely adore birds of prey.
And looking down, a plaque about Matthew Flinders who along with George Bass circumnavigated Australia in a small boat.
Aha, fungi, so it must have been Autumn.

That's my lot for today, cobbled together very quickly, although I'm sure I could have found plenty more.
Now for the explanation.................We've had a month of malfunctions here in the Smith household, one of them being me losing the plot somewhat.  
Remember I needed a new iron & the one I've bought just doesn't like playing with a quilter, so will probably be replaced with another Tefal when they come in.  Next, just after I posted the last February Photo Hunt, my PC gave up on us and to top it all off, my breadmaker shredded it''s belt while I was making some more blueberry jam.  To be truthful it was all too much for me after the year everyone has experienced (not just me), and along with my back playing up again, I wondered whether it was worthwhile sorting out the computer & keeping up with my blog.
Good news is that it was only the monitor that needed replacing, so here I am once more & will endeavour to stay focused on being grateful that we are both OK & able to enjoy life a little at the moment without being in full lockdown.  Hopefully, motivation will return & I'll get things done.
Thanks for reading, if you've got this far, take care all & stay safe.
Hugs Susan.