Saturday 27 March 2021


 Joining in with Kate from I live, I love, I craft, I am me for her final windup of the famous Photo Hunt.

As this is the last photo hunt, I was reluctant to join in with the dark  mood I've been in since the start of the year, but here I am trying to stay motivated, sane and level headed.  We have been out and about a "little", but I get so anxious about everything it  was getting me down & I do understand that nothing will ever be normal again, so blogging maybe one way to stay in touch & calm my feelings.  Not sure any of this makes sense, but I hope my followers can bear with me. 


I've a feeling I may have used these photos before, but we have the "light" coloured kangaroos at Bordertown, S.A., which are so different to what many think of as their usual colour. Taken in August 2013. Notice one brown one on the righthand side.  This is more like the ones we see around here in southern Victoria.


And on the "dark" side we have a whole paddock of black swans looking for a tasty meal.  This photo was taken from the archives too, and was not far from Payneville on the east coast of Victoria.  Taken in August 2017.

OK, that is my lot and not having anything ready has been my downfall this month all along.  Not used my camera much, something I think I may be missing along with crafting and just feeling so blah.  Some of it is probably due to back pain & not being able to get in to see our doctors for long periods of time, though today Keith & I had our first Covid jab.  I'm sceptical, but we did it.  Enough from me.

I'll pop in tomorrow morning & catch up with all the other hunter's posts.  Sorry I've been delayed doing this.

Take care all, stay safe & big hugs from down under.



  1. A perfect contrast of colours Susan. I only recently learned that Black swans come from Australia. And the light kangaroos are so unusual. :)

  2. Good contrasting photos. Please try to keep blogging as I'm sure it will help you, a bit of normality in your life. Take care.

  3. Great photos of both the light coloured kangaroos and the black swans - a good contrast. I hope your back pain eases soon. Take care:)

  4. Those kangaroos are so different from the colour we usually associate them with. I always enjoy your animal photos so a lovely post for me.

  5. What a wonderful contrast. I can learn a lot from you clever photographers about how to compose shots. I hope the pain is manageable Susan. I know from experience how depressing being in pain is. Stay safe my friend from down under.

  6. Love your contrast with white Roos and Black swans. I echo what 'Threads' said, keep blogging which helps keep some normality to life. B and I have just got back from getting our second jabs and KnG have had their first today as has our son and his wife in Scotland. Keep well both of you. Look forward to reading your blog with Astrid next week. xx

  7. Sorry to hear about your back pain Susan, I hope it's manageable and not too debilitating. A great contrast with the photos, I love the white roos, they look so unusual :)

  8. I remember commenting on your black swans some time ago and now I am fascinated to learn you have light coloured kangaroos. Sorry to hear about your back pain, I hope you can get some relief from it soon.

  9. I only recently learnt that black swans are native to Australia and are the state bird of Western Australia. I was curious about the sandy coloured kangaroos - are they a different strain or ?albino (although I don't think they were pale enough to be albino).
    Hope your back issues are sorted soon xx

    1. Yes Kate our swans are black & as a young child I'd never seen a white one till I went to the Zoo. The kangaroos are just white & not albinos and are kept separate so they don't breed with darker ones (I think). Thanks for all your work on these hunts over the years & I will keep doing it with Astrid too. Take care, stay safe & hugs.

  10. Good morning Susan - I'm sorry to hear you're still feeling the blues ... I've been really down this past as well - finding journalling really helps lift me. I'm a devotee of the Artists Way and Morning Pages. And now that the clocks have changed the warmer days should be around the corner.
    I love the white kangaroos - I didn't think such a thing existed .. wow. And the black swans are gorgeous. We have some here in our local garden centre who have a wildlife area for children. Take care, chin up, things will get better, but look after yourself and just go with the flow for now. Fil x

  11. Love the black swans Susan ... how funny that we both picked them this week. With regards to getting back to ‘normal’ ... I feel that the only way we will all cope is if we are able to find ways of adapting to a new ‘normal’ and looking for the best in it that we can. We have seen lots of changes over this last year, not all bad and whilst there has been sadness I hope we can continue to do some of the things that we’ve found time for that we normally wouldn’t have ... if that makes sense 😃

  12. I really hope things start getting back to "normal", it's been a long year. My neighbours little girl just went back to school for the first time today and she was sooo happy to go! At least you've had the jab, so that's a start. Hugs to you from afar!
    I love seeing the light coloured kangaroos, and all of those black swans are amazing!
