It's been quite hectic over the week or so since my last post, and yet although we've been out and about, they have been fairly futile forays to find things. I've been out in the garden quite a bit and hubby is on a roll with fixing our MM.
Crocus bought at the garden show and planted very late when we moved here. Most of the bulbs I put in are up, although not sure all will flower. |
The magnolia I bought a couple of weeks ago, ready pop open any day. |
Muscari and jonquils around the silver birches in the front garden. These were already in situ when we moved in and I've planted some things here and will change a few others in this bed. |
A patch of violets in the back border. |
Now I do wish we had 'smellavision' or something similar. A little plant in the back garden has come into flower and smells absolutely heavenly. A lot of my northern hemisphere readers aren't going to know what this is, so here are couple of pics.
Brown Boronia (an Australian native.) |
Closeup of above. |
We also discovered today, that we have a pond full of wee little tadpoles, but being so small I couldn't get a photo, but this little beauty was sunning itself on the edge.
A skink. |
Does anyone know what this is? |
Looking up into a beautiful blue sky with a few fluffy clouds through the tasselly flowers of an acer. I've not yet seen this in leaf. |
A not so good arrangement, but ever so pretty. |
I was going to post a few more pics, but they will have to wait, as while I've been doing this, I've also been preparing our tea. A little quilting has been happening, but with these lovely sunny days, after such a long cold winter, it's been too nice to stay inside. I'll do another post over the weekend with a catchup on other bits.
Take care all and hope your week has been good so far.