WHOOPS............where did December go?
My very cute Xmas tree made from old pallets, popped into the front garden & lit with a string of fairy lights. Very simple decorations this year with only my door wreath (you've seen before), as well as my little filled sleigh on a patchwork Christmas runner on the table.
The lights on the tree, in the dark - below.
I have been quiet, I know, as late November, we had a quick trip to Canberra, Sydney, Gosford & Orange to see our two boys and grandchildren, my young brother and my oldest friend.
Coming home seemed to be filled with never ending washing, cleaning the caravan, tidying the yard & planning for Christmas and now that is all over.................aaaaaaaaaaaaH!
After my fall in October I still did a little sewing on one of my own designed quilts and although the big machine hasn't done much hopefully it will all be go in the New Year apart from another quick trip to N.S.W. to have a "bon voyage" get together for my beautiful eldest grandchild, Miss A. who is off to live in UK for a couple of years with her partner Mr. M. She already has a job lined up and he is working his way through a long list, I believe.
Below is a photo Miss A and her Dad, our eldest son on her graduation in early December with a diploma so she can now look after 0 to 5 years olds at a Child Care Centre as they are called here in Oz.
We will miss her badly.
The quilt below is the one I talked of in the above blurb.
Whilst away I took very few photos, as when we are pulling the caravan it is very hard to pullover for a photo opportunity. I took a few in Bathurst at the caravan park as we were departing of a few cute bits'n'pieces.
Veg beds ready to be planted above & a very Australian "loo" from days gone by.
There was also "mini golf" for a few hours of fun.
On our way home we pulled into Cowra for a look at their well known rose gardens, then pootled on and arrived home, content to have seen so many of our family after such a LONG few years.
Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas as we did at our DD's yesterday and can look forward to a happy & prosperous New Year.
I hope to get back into a bit more blogging, sewing and fiddling with garden etc. as 2023 emerges. Going to find a cool spot as it has reached 36℃ now & I'm now sooooooo hot.
Take care all and hugs from Susan.