Oh dear, here I am on catch-up once again. Let's just say it's been a stupidly hectic month so far with all sorts & Easter holidays thrown in as well, which seems to throw us into disarray for some reason.
I'll start with a bit of craft I've been doing.
This is what I've done so far for a QAL with Sandra from mmm.quilts in Canada. It is Rainbow Neighbourhood Houses quilt, which I'm putting a little twist on. More of that later. |
My Dune crochet rug from an Attic 24 pattern. DD gave me the pack for combined birthday/mothers day gift last year. Enjoy doing this of an evening, along with below. |
I do enjoy embroidery too and these kitty kats were in a very old QNM magazine which I kept, because DD loved them. They have been keeping me amused lately & I have an idea of my own for the final quilt. |
The Silo Trail continues..............
These were amazing and I took quite a few individual photos too, but we were surprised when this pulled up in the car park...............
We'd seen this before, when a gentleman gave a talk at our Car Club one morning and it always amazes me when you run into someone from near to your own town, when you are on the other side of the state.
Both the photos below were still in Colbinnabin.
A beautiful carved platypus on the log. |
I love some of our older churches in country towns too. |
I captured the art on these silos with I'm afraid a lot of background.
A possum and a kingfisher. |
This time we have a painted platypus. |
We've been hoping to get into the garden & do some tidying plus get in some good walking around & about, but the weather just hasn't been playing along. I was hoping for lots of photos of quilts etc., in the wild and just get out in the fresh air. There will be a few more posts containing the rest of the Silo Trail and hopefully lots more craft/garden etc.. One more pic for today is this......
Corellas sitting all over the roof of one of the houses behind us. They come in huge flocks, flying around & squawking. One of the little girls in the house directly behind us was amazed & we heard her say OMG & giggling.
Just remembered something I said I'd show once finished.
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The framed jigsaw I wrote about last month. To have it framed professionally, would probably have set us back around $200, but a very nice second hand frame purchased from a vintage shop cost all of $50 and looks great. We are ever so pleased.
OK, I'll finish up here for today. The sun tried valiantly to shine a few minutes ago, but is dreary again now.
Take care all & hugs.