Still not feeling much like posting or even being myself, but we have kept sort of busy, with mainly bits/n/bobs of all sorts. I'll break back in slowly and hopefully get September sorted over the rest of the month. Here goes................
This particular day saw me take a few quilts, camera, our picnic lunch & lots of enthusiasm for a day of sunshine after so much dreariness, which is now back with us I'm afraid.
I've shown Lancy lookout before as I do enjoy taking quilt photos there, then we had a meander through the hills & on down to Leongatha.
Some interesting clouds in this photo. |
A huge gum tree, some of which is breaking away slowly. They are notorious for dropping limbs when they feel like it. |
Next we took some quilt snaps whilst there and at the next unnamed lookout where we ate our lunch.
These are three old pieced tops from my tub of shame that I made from magazines or books way back in the very late 90s and early 2000s. I finally quilted & bound them this winter & will possibly donate or sell, as my poor cupboard is getting very full. I'd also taken a few snaps inside too, so will put them below.

And a close up of the quirky quilting on the purple one.
One morning early this month we heard a steam train whistle & wondered what on earth that was all about, rang a friend & found out they were running a steam service between a couple of stations on our line & people could pay to have a ride. Lots of children these days aren't familiar with these big beasts. We opted to get to one of the crossings and take some photos. As there is quite a steep part of the line, it was both a steam engine on the front and an old diesel at the back, so they could do a push/pull as there is no turning around point on the Gippsland line near here.
The steam is seen in the distance between the trees. |
Nearing the crossing with a puff of black smoke. |
The diesel bringing up the rear and lots of onlookers. |
This brought back so many memories of my childhood, as steam trains still ran outside of big cities when I was growing up.
Although the garden is looking partially reasonable, it has been such a long, hard winter and I've done very little outside, but the bulbs have come out beautifully and other things have flowered fleetingly, before being battered by wind and rain.
The poor Magnolia is hanging in there.... just. Notice the 2 white flowers on the left at the top. What is that all about? |
The little round garden out the front is full of Earlicheer daffs, friesias, a few crocus and muscari. |
I also picked a few bits'n'bobs to put inside.
Excuse my messy side table. I do use the coaster for my mug and there is always sewing paraphernalia lurking near my chair for working on things after tea. |
☔☔RAIN..................and more rain!!!!!!☔
We've had more than our share this winter and there is so much laying in places we've never seen it in before.
We took an afternoon drive last Monday and went up to Blue Rock Dam to see the water flowing down the spillway and to our surprise, just before we headed for the dam wall, we spied these kangaroos in a paddock. Once we stopped they decided to bounce away.
Can you spot all five. At this point they were watching us and I snapped this one from the car window. |
But, then they thought better of us staying there and hopped away. That one you can see above had just jumped over those fences in the background. |
The road over the dam wall and spillway. |
Just loved the patterns the flowing water made. |
OK, I'll leave it at that for today, as we did have another couple of odd outings if it was fine, into the countryside. Have a great week all, take care and hugs from Susan.