Over most of this year I've been struggling with technical issues in all areas, including this PC, my laptop, our home phone and my very old mobile which I've replaced too. Oh...... and my long-arm machine has also thrown a few hissy fits, probably because I've been so stressed and lost a lot of mojo for everything. Along with all that my younger brother has had health issues.
Putting all that on my blog, may help me get started with this blog again. Loading photos has been an issue, so if I've already shown some of these I apologise. Most of these were made in 2023/4, and not all are quilted yet, so here goes.
This first photo is a QAL I was participating in with Cheryl Brickey from Meadow Mist Quilting blog & although this photo hasn't got the outer borders, it is now awaiting quilting.
I saw that my friend Sandra from MMM quilts had a lovely pattern in a recent magazine, so purchased the said magazine & used some lovely little sweet pea panels for the centre of the blocks. This photo doesn't show the colours all that well & I'm still getting to grips with how the photo app works. This is also waiting in the to-be quilted tub. I may rename this, but this is Sandra's name for it.
One of my own designs to showcase an embroidery I did last year. I got the beautiful embroidery from the internet, so not one I could even hope to draw myself. I'm pleased with how it turned out so far. To be quilted too and named properly.
This was another QAL with Cheryl using her latest book Just Two Charm Pack Quilts. I chose to use 3 different blocks from the book & work out how to fit them together. I'm so pleased with the result & it is quilted. We had a fun photo shoot day down on the coast overlooking Bass Strait.
Now this little baby quilt is one of my own design to use some "baby" fabric I had in my stash, ready for a little one coming & not knowing whether it was a boy or girl. HE is here now & the quilt winged its way across the sky & ended up in beautiful Yorkshire.
Now this is a fun photo of a very, very old quilt I made and never taken a photo or labelled it. Out one day and seeing this great little Morris not far from home, made me think I could do a silly photo shoot. It was hard to get a good shot with both bright sunlight & wind. Anyway, I did the best I could.
Another not so good photo, but I may try again at some stage. The centre of this quilt happens to be the White Rose of Yorkshire, which I did way back at the beginning of my blog in 2013/4 and last year I turned it into this and did straight line quilting on my ordinary machine. I'm so pleased with the result.
Lost the plot here a bit with where I want to type, but I'll do this one differently.
One of my own designs which reminded of the toys our sons used to play with when little boys.
I've only just done this so not quilted as yet, but did want to include it here.
Last, but not least and this was a fun day out for a quilt photo shoot. Taken up at the very small rail museum at Noojee in the foothills north of us on the way to Mt. Baw Baw. I designed this for using up some of my mountains of scraps. It is quilted & awaiting its label.
OK enough for today & hope I can get this posted and will try and do a few posts over the coming weeks of a couple of great times away, though not a lot of good photos, due to not knowing how to download the photos from my camera to this Windows 11 setup. Is there anyone out there with similar problems. Just call me old-fashioned or maybe ancient.
Thanks for reading this if you come along & find me again,
Take care and hugs from Susan.