I'm still here, though finding it hard to write a decent post as I've been feeling rather discombobulated of late. Not sure whether that is because of the Pandemic, worldwide havoc, strange weather or even maybe 4th Covid jab and the flu vaccination, but here I am with a few bits of what we've been up to this month.
I'm joining my friend Sandra in Canada (mmm.quilts) to link with her "Drop everything and make it" post.
Wacky One, a design of my own using only scraps and fabric from my stash. |
And.... the backing fabric. |
This was made at the beginning of the year, but quilting took quite some time due to my stupidity and now needs binding. Alas there is a hole....................and no sewing machine. Betsy is being serviced and won't be back till probably next week.
Apart from the sewing problems, all is sort of OK.
We've had a couple of outings, which I've not been sure about posting due to them being a little more DH oriented, but I'd like to share just a little here.
A couple of weekends ago we spent a few days away in the van at the Lake Goldsmith Steam Rally.
I was lucky to capture this photo as we'd stopped to take a photo of the advertisement for the Rally and the Morris convertible was just passing. |
A few photos follow of some things that I captured with my camera.
A collection of sewing machines. There were more and older ones too. |
This one is for my friend Kate. |
One of the quirky on-site vans. Very rustic. |
The tinier versions of steam traction engines. |
On the way home we stopped off in Beaufort at a vintage shop and purchased an old sewing machine for $10 & then later found a treadle base with no machine in it. We discovered the old machine will fit in this base, so another project hubby will tackle over winter.
The cabinet which definitely needs some attention. |
DH working hard cleaning up the machine. |
Just one more photo taken on a local walk last week.
Look at the size of the toadstool............that is my foot beside it. |
OK, all from me for now, but I will be back next month with....hopefully...... a finish for the QAL Sandra has been running. I may even post about another rally we went to with vintage machinery, which was an interesting day out too, if anyone wouldn't mind seeing photos of vehicles. Not much doing in the garden and now that the weather has turned bitterly cold, that maybe on hold for a bit.
Take care all and lots of hugs from down under.