Oh, this harder than I thought. Sorting, tidying, chucking out, garage sale things put aside and packing. It's a challenge, but we know it must be done now the house is sold.
Hubby has decided to retire and we are off to Ballarat, which is on the western side of Melbourne. Our daughter lives in the suburbs of Melbourne on that side, so it will be easier to drive and see the family. The rertirement plans came about earlier than we thought, as the company he works for was taken over last year and is definitely not as good any more with talk of redundancies, slashed hours and changed shifts, and that is enough for us.
We are off in our caravan for a few days to try and find somewhere to rent for a couple of months to get to know Ballarat again. We lived out of town in the mid eighties and I worked at the bank in Ballarat for 18 months before we moved to Tasmania. There is more for us to do in this larger centre with a Morris Minor Club and at least a few places where we can volunteer. I'll keep you posted as to what we are up to.
Now for a few photos taken this morning before it got windy and the rain started again. We've had plenty of rain this September.
One of the jasmines in full flower and it smells so good. |
Snowball bush. |
Pink ixias. |
The wisteria which hasn't been as good this year. |
Very colourful with iris and ranunculus. |
Bluebells of which I have many scattered throughout the garden. |
A late flowering azalea. It is also quite protected from the weather. |
A white lavender which came up all by itself. |
Green Goddess arum lily which was nearly dead earlier this year. |
Closeup of above. |
My last daffodil. |
Not sure what I will get in the way of a garden next time, but knowing me I will try and make it nice.
Not much craft to show at the moment as most is now packed away.
I cannot believe how much we have accumulated and carted around with us over the last (nearly) forty years.
It has frightened the life out of me and I know I'm not coping all that well, but realise it is time for us to downsize and get on with life.
Thanks to all my lovely blogging buddies for your support and well wishes. I appreciate it very much and hope not to bore you too much in the future and soon be back to my old self.
Enjoy this coming week all and take care till my next post.