Thursday 27 August 2020


Catching up with Kate and the photo scavenger hunt once again.  Not missing it this time, even though I found these prompts somewhat difficult in "difficult" times.πŸ˜–

         Fast moving car on the race track on Phillip Island taken from the archives a few years ago.

2.  BOXES.
Taken this afternoon on my well loved blanket box.  To the left is my late Mum's "hankie" box where she always kept her clean handkerchiefs.  Centre and right are two boxes DH has made me over the years.

3.  STARTS WITH......D
The old "DREDGE" at Porcupine Flat near Maldon in Central Victoria where gold was once mined.

Ah......breakfast is finally here.  One taken from the archives of a couple of King Parrots at the feeder one morning.

"Making" pieced backings for some recent quilts that I've quilted over the last few months.  Not having access to any of my favourite quilt shops for widebacks, I've resorted to using leftovers or larger pieces from my stash and sewing them together to be big enough.  

Our magnolia "Susan" just coming into flower, but already being blown to pieces by the extreme winds we are experiencing today.

My lot for this month and although I've found this difficult, I think it is just the fact that we cannot venture anywhere and won't be able to for a long time to come.  Photos 2, 5 & 6 were all taken about 5 minutes before I started doing this.  We'd planned on going for a walk in the rare sunshine, but it is just too windy and I know that I'd have trouble with my mask in the wind and my ears would pain terribly.
Hopefully tomorrow or Saturday, before the next cold front and rain arrive.
Take care all, stay safe and huggles from down under.
I will link up this time................

Saturday 22 August 2020


 Not much of a title, but then each day seems to come and go at the moment with not much meaning to it.

Just plodding along at home, not venturing out & wondering if this is what the rest of our lives will be like, though I've had the camera handy to capture whatever the imagination can find.

A walk very early this week near one of our new estates netted this.................something I actually detest!

The benching of the hillside into little blocks that are flat.

Looking from the study window at about midday.

The back verandah a little later covered in itty-bitty hail (sago snow).

Looking along the back paving beside the steps & retaining wall.

We also had a thunderstorm amidst all this and at 3.30pm as I type this it is 6.5℃  It is cold & the fire is lit, though the sun has just appeared briefly with lots more grey storm clouds on the horizon.


My quilt now named "Whimsy" inspired by the colours of Attic 24's dahlia rug is now quilted & bound.
I took this photo today after waiting for a break in our weather, but it hasn't come so this is the best I could do.

I also finally finished this butterfly embroidery, which has similar colours, though I started it a couple of years ago.  Not sure how to finish the back now it's in the hoop.  Any suggestions?

This is one that didn't really come out how I'd envisioned, but I did use what I had available in my stash.  It was designed by me on trusty Quilt Wizard & I'd thought of using a plain tone on tone mauve, but this was about the only mauve fabric I had.  It is quilted and bound & although not what I planned, I don't hate it.  I've come up with the name Sonora & can't fathom why.
A very "pandamic" quilt I think.πŸ˜–

Just a quick lot today after being a misery guts for most of the week, due to weather, a computer that's been playing silly, not venturing out & missing family.
Luckily I've a little project to do for a newborn bub.  That makes me happy & busy at the same time with purpose.
Take care all, stay safe & huge huggles from down under.

PS:  Still having trouble using this new blogger.  How's everyone else coping?

Sunday 16 August 2020


 Being back in Stage 3 lockdown is becoming very tedious.  Even heard "rumours" about nothing happening till 2022.  Really!!!!

Need to keep myself busy and as the weather hasn't been playing nicely, nothing is being done in the garden, which is annoying me and not sleeping well hasn't helped my mood or mojo.  We've been trying to make sure we at least get in our walking routine, but today that isn't going to happen with intermittent light misty rain & when you need to wear a mask when not in your own home/garden, it seems to make it even more uncomfortable.  A wet mask that is......

OK, we'll make a start and just to let you know the camera has been put to good use around the home.


2 different pink hellebores.

A very pale greeny/lemon hellebore.

The blueberries are just starting to flower.

The tiny pink bluebells are up & sure have multiplied.

The circular garden out the front with many bulbs either flowering or nearly flowering.

A closeup of the crocus.

The rather untidy area beside the shed. 
 DH intends to extend the shed in the very near future, which is why we need to relocate the veg beds & rethink the layout of this area.

On the right is the olive tree we inherited when we purchased this house.
The house was built in 2001 & I'm sure the tree is much, much older than this, going by the size of both the trunk & canopy.
I do need to re-sort that garden on the left to, which is above the retaining wall & being so short I cannot reach most of it.  Another on the list of the list of to-dos.

Remember I showed on my last post our daffodil farm just outside town.  These below were bought from our local greengrocer & they were from said farm.  I had fun arranging them in 2 vases.

Designing on my computer.

In progress.

Designing labels on the computer, which has been a big learning curve, but I did it all by myself.😊

And playing with another design after speaking with my friend Joy from Days filled with Joy.
She had ideas for another QAL & I came up with this design, which I may or may not do.

I had a small lapse about buying books............
The box arrived.....

Opened it....................Oh boy, I wasn't expecting this!!!!

Ah.............but underneath were these.
2 gorgeous garden books, 2 quilt books which were on special and to my surprise the one at the top on the right turned out to be a children's book.  I thought it was a true story, which it is, but only in pictures with captions.  It is still beautifully done & one day when all this pa-lava is over, I'll be able to read it with some small children    Hoping.......

                              I've done a little colouring in too.  The child coming out in me.   πŸ˜‰

I think that is enough nonsense from this old lady.  It is still cloudy, but some blue sky has appeared, though too late for a walk, as I need to make a start on our evening meal.  
I'm trying hard to keep blogging & staying calm and know one day there may again be a semblance of normality to our lives.  Until next post, stay safe, take care & huge hugs from Susan.

Wednesday 5 August 2020


A huge sorry to any of my followers for being on the silent side of late.  The Pandemic is doing my head in & what with the "huge" new wave here in Victoria, it's hard to stay focused, have any mojo or inclination to even blog.
Another issue I have too, is this new interface on blogger.  It's been a learning curve over the years and as I'm not very tech savvy, another change is a challenge, but here goes.

I've missed the link up, but this run by the lovely Kate over at I live, I love I craft, I am me.
                                            The wisteria on the pergola over at No. 4
                 I snapped these this morning after I had washed up & as I realised I could use them for                                            "purple' too.  Our hand wash, violets from the garden & my gloves.

The hills, paddocks, trees & hedges around West & South Gippsland.  Taken on a rare outing before we went back into lockdown.

FARMYARD on the hill in the middle of our town, which we can see from our driveway.

A beautiful black cockatoo snapped whilst I stood very still & he kept still too.  

This was taken yesterday, when I thought about posting after I realised that I was way behind on the HUNT & reading blogs.  We had a very cold day, which brought a few snow flakes, tiny hail, which we call sago snow, and rain.  It was "miserable".

                                                                           Terracotta pots.
I love these, especially the rhubarb forcers, which we don't see out here.  This photo was taken last year on our UK trip at Great Dixter garden, a place I loved visiting.

OK, that's it from me & although I'm late, hope somebody enjoys and I'll be back sooner than later this month, catching up on a few other bits & pieces.  
Take care, stay safe & huggles,
PS:  Not sure I like this new interface, but I will try and come to terms with it.  Does anybody know if there is a "caption" bit anymore?