The reason I've been quiet. I had a stupid fall on the 1st of October on the footpath in front of next door, hurting my chest/rib area and taking a chunk out of the heel of my hand. Lucky I didn't smack my face into the path. Turns out I had 3 cracked ribs & severe bruising too. I'm OK now & although we still got to do a few things during late October, the weather has been utterly vile. It's rained all day here today with quite a gusty wind. Although we've not had the amount that has hit some parts of N.S.W., it's still nothing like a normal late Spring. When it has warmed a little, the humidity has been extreme. Enough of my moaning and let's see some photos I've snapped when we did manage to get outside.
The Garden.
The azaleas flowered well, but then smashed by the rain. |
The wisteria and wonga vine both looked lovely but left a frightful mess on the steps. |
My snowball bush was gorgeous with some of the biggest balls, but with the heavy rain, the weight of the sodden flowers nearly broke a couple of branches. They survived intact luckily. |
.JPG) |
Dutch iris were lovely. |
We have decided to tackle The Great Southern Rail Trail & have done 2 small legs so far. I'll just post what we did for the first part.
One of the signs with some information. We started from Leongatha and headed towards Koonwarra, but only went as far as Gwyther Siding.
At the start of the trail, we passed a Tyre Service with the hugest pile of tyres I've ever seen. |
Further along we passed this row of columns, but no information was available to say what it had been. |
Farming countryside. |
We didn't have to give way to any stock, though we saw plenty of cattle. |
As far as we went on the first day. We think after we turned and went back, we'd done about 8kms. |
A small court near to ours, where a creek runs under the road and as you can see, it had other ideas one day and this is what it looked like. It's definitely been "wet" of late.
I have kept busy, although it's been slow going. I managed to do a small wall hanging for a bit of a challenge for myself & something someone mentioned I might like to join in with, though everyone else had started long before me, so I did simple, small & fun.
The challenge was a Churn Dash quilt, but I played with a block I'd seen "somewhere" & done a quick sketch and ended up with my Churn Dash Twist. This photo was taken at the community garden in Braeside Park. |
I had one on the machine when I took the tumble and finally managed to finish it a few weeks later. I have shown it unquilted.
I've still not really named this, but had called the pattern when I designed it Gee Whiz. (silly) |
Lastly I popped this one below on the machine yesterday & had it off by lunch today. The blocks were made many years ago from a Judy Martin pattern, but I just couldn't get it quite right, so only made a few, then cobbled them together and came up with this. No binding as yet.
Empire Stars. |
OK, that's enough from me today as it coming onto near teatime and I've other things I need to do.
Hope somebody may read this, as I'm wondering how many people still want to follow along after my absence. I hope to pop back on with some more rail trail walking soon, especially if weather clears up a bit.
Until next time, take care all and hugs to all.