Well it's been a funny few weeks here in our part of the world. I'm a little slow on the posting side as hubby has been backwards and forwards to the Doctor to have a dressing renewed where he had a nasty mole removed from his lower leg. It was nothing ghastly, but did leave quite a hole and hasn't healed as quick as they hoped. It just meant our days had to work around his appointments, but it is now on the mend. Wednesday was a whole day out, back to Warragul, to change our wills, as of course we moved house. It was an enjoyable day.
Now where to start with some photos?
We decided over morning tea (the day was very dreary) to go on an outing to visit a quilt shop in Cooriemungle, that I have been to once before and thought was lovely. Off we went, sandwiches and a thermos on board and eaten in Camperdown, and arrived at the shop, only to find it closed for weekend, as she was exhibiting at the quilt show in Melbourne. This little shop is an old corrugated iron church, painted blue and moved to the corner of a farm. Cooriemungle is just a locality on the map, so we set off for Colac, where we could take a stroll in the gardens and by the lake and then have a cuppa for afternoon tea. I forgot to take any photos of the "shop"!!!!
Fountain in the gardens. |
The lake through the trees. |
Birdlife on the lake. (wish I had a better zoom lens.) |
We made our way back home via Cressy, and found a couple of interesting things to stop for. Below are what I snapped.
A cow in the front garden? No, it's a garden ornament. |
Beautiful carved bird from an old tree stump. |
Derelict store. |
These three photos were all taken within close proximity to each other and thought well worth the stop.
We decided to go for a stroll in the Botanic Gardens, (hubby was supposed to be keeping off his leg) and thought that slowly was the best. Whilst there, the plant stand was again outside the glasshouse with reasonably priced plants and a lady walking past said that the nursery was also open with more pots inside.
As I'm finding that plants seem to be rather expensive these days, we went to take a look. Whilst there, I also joined the Friends of the Gardens for small fee and can also do some volunteer work if I want, which sounds really good. I spent $30 on five plants and one of these (which I'd seen elsewhere) would have cost about $25 in an ordinary nursery, so am pleased to have found this facility.
My purchases. |
These plants are now in, along with some bulbs and a pieris I bought a couple of weeks ago. Not showing the garden as yet, as after removing a lot of the short pittosporum hedging it all looks slightly bare and uninteresting. Hopefully, I'll slowly build it up with lots of lovely things. It's much smaller than my last garden.
I've done some sewing, quilting, gardening (as above) and baking.
An eclipse of the moon, which we could see for a short while before the clouds came across. Taken from my front path. |
Wombling On being quilted. It is now off the machine and awaiting binding. I quilted a design called Passionfruit from Lorien Quilitng in a Signature thread, the colour Dolphin (grey). The other test quilt has binding on and I'm hand sewing that of an evening along with hubby"s ripple. I'll show that once I've done a bit more. |
Those blocks from the design wall are now a flimsy. And yes, before you ask, those skates are mine, but don't fit my poor old feet anymore. I skated from about 11 years old till I got married at 20 and was in 2 small ice shows at our local rink. I still love watching the skating in the Winter Olympics. |
Closeup of feature fabric. I didn't have much of this and am trying to use out of my stash at the moment. |
Lemon slice and biscuits I made yesterday. |
And lastly, our tea in the slow cooker for tonight. Lemon chicken. |
That was the week that was and I hope everyone out there in blogland are enjoying the Easter Break.
Here in Ballarat, it's been quite cool and cloudy with just a little rain. This afternoon, hubby and I will go for a walk and I'll start working on a list of things that I really need to do and just don't know where to make a start.
Take care all.