WRAPPING UP 2020........................literally in quilts.
Not the best year I've ever had and feeling quite down at times, never seeming to know what would be around the corner and not being able to see family was very trying. Over the last month, I've been at a loss to think about much at all and had decided several times to close my blog. Somehow I've managed to hang in here & then wondered what on earth I'd actually done all year. I picked up the notebook I keep beside the big machine (Bubs) and went through the 2020 section & realised I had achieved more than I thought, so this is a rundown of what has been quilted & also made & quilted this year.
At the beginning of the year this old quilt came off the machine and then bound & finished in February.

I actually pieced this quilt from a QNM in 1999, the year I was made redundant from the bank. As you can see from the pic on the right, mine wasn't quite the same. I took the photo of it yesterday while we were out on a "photo shoot" in the countryside.
As February drew to a close this one below came off the machine. One of my own designs using fabric on hand, one which was some my late Mum gave me years ago that she came by from a friend. It depicts the Tour de France.
I called this one Third Helping, after recolouring & rearranging it several times in my Quilt Wizard program.
Come March, I decided to use some leftover scraps from a quilt I'd made from a book, that had very odd shaped pieces cut from the sides of blocks.

Both of these quilts will donated to charity or given away as gifts.
April saw 2 old quilt tops come out of the tub and finally finished. Both were made when we lived near Nowra, N.S.W in the late 90's early 2000's.
Made in 1996 in a class at the local quilt shop and awaiting a good home.
This one was made from a book in 2001 & I really can't remember which it was, but it has already moved on.
In July we got new neighbours in the rental property next door. A lovely young couple with 2 children and they are refugees from Iran. I've heard a little about the horrors they encountered and decided that the 6 year old little girl and her baby brother, who was born this July would have a small quilt each. I happen to know they get well used. I'm so glad.
In May I made 2 more baby quilts. One for the lady across the road who had a girl in January & another friend who had her little girl in March. I used the same pattern for each, which I'd again designed on Quilt Wizard as an introduction to new quilters, which has happened yet. They make up quick which was a bonus.

I call this pattern Easy Peasy.
May also saw me quilt a QAL I joined in with Sandra from mmmquilts. I really enjoyed this challenge.
Centred. |
In July I quilted a very small quilt made from a set of stars I stitched way back.............and a couple of stitcheries from a few years ago, though I'm not sure what I was thinking about at the time. I found both these when I was cleaning out a tub of UFO's.

I took the photo this morning out in the garden, though I've just realised that you can't see the stitcheries and I've not named it either.
Another 2 done in July (ooh, I did get a wriggle on this month), both my own designs from Quilt Wizard.
Named Eureka, after buying the fabric at a quilt shop in Ballarat by this name a few years ago. It has also sat waiting in the tub a couple of years. This was taken yesterday on our little outing. I do have fun at times with "photos in the wild".
Although I love the pattern I designed for this one, it was made when we were in "severe lockdown restrictions" and I couldn't access a plainer mauve fabric, so used what I had. A bit of a disaster really, although I don't dislike it. I called it Sonora.
Onto August and 2 more hit the machine.

This quilt came about as the Pandemic hit after I'd been playing with fabric in the colours of a rug I'd crocheted. I do a lot of designing with my easy to use Quilt Wizard and I couldn't help taking a second photo the other day on the verandah amongst my crazy obsession of pot plants.
As a flimsy on our back steps & I called this one Gee Whiz. Not sure where I got that from.
And below, shown on an old car belonging to friends who immigrated from Zimbabwe and brought this beauty with them. We met them through our car club.
Onto September and after participating in a QAL with my friend
Joy from Days filled with Joy, I finally quilted my pandemic quilt which I called Panademia. Yes a slight spelling mistake happened, but I'd already labeled it when I realised.
I also quilted something for my DD who'd started this she told me before Master L was born & he is now 15, so I'm not the only one who can take their time with things.
Along come October and 2 more baby quilts need making and quilting.
The first one is for a blog friend in UK who found having her first baby in the middle of a pandemic very stressful.
I called this "Luv from Oz" and designed it on graph paper to use the 3 lovely panels depicting our native wildlife. It took it's time arriving but is now in residence with a beautiful little boy.
I made a pink version of this last year to send to a friend in the UK for her new baby girl, then discovered some more of these fabric panels in mauve & made this version for my doctor who also had a girl. It was also designed in my graph book.
Also onto the machine in October was this quilt from a block I'd playing with on Quilt Wizard which became a reality quite quickly. I called it Up Hill and Down Dale after the beautiful Yorkshire Dales, an area in UK I know well being married to a Yorkshireman.
Taken yesterday whilst out and where I had wanted to capture this quilt in a hilly setting.
This is some of the beautiful scenery we get in South Gippsland.
OK, that is enough from me and sorry it is so long and possibly a bit disjointed.
It's been a long and trying day of battling my pesky blackbirds from trying to destroy our blueberry crop. We think we've stopped them getting into the net enclosure, but after 5 times this morning I was losing patience.
Thank you Kate and Cheryl for your linkups throughout this very trying year.
Hope the New Year is kinder to everyone, take care, stay safe & hugs from the land down under.