Yes I've been quiet! Not a lot happening here what with more lockdowns/restrictions & the weather being very tardy, but here is a "quick" catch up.
Also "sorry" I've not done any commenting lately, but have caught up on reading blogs and can only say that I've been down & just want to get back to at least some sort of normality in the future.
As things were improving here a little, DH & I went shopping on Friday morning to our local Bunnings store (a large hardware chain) to purchase a few bits & bobs for a couple of projects and some veg plants to start getting ready for summer gardening & lo & behold there was someone in the store with Covid at the same time as we were there, so off to get tested yesterday. We'd only had 5 cases here in our shire since it all began last year, so why now? We sat in the car for 4.5 hours. Luckily the testing station was out of town at a large facility that caters for country shows for farming, cars, music festivals and also cattle sales. Lots of cars, but at least we weren't queued on the road. Just awaiting our results now & hopefully we are negative and can get out to buy milk, bread & some fresh fruit and veg.............soon.
Now, not sure whether I'm allowed to do this, but I've found an aerial photo via the i'net of the above venue.
Not too bad an area for our wait in the queue and we did take coffee, biscuits, my sewing and a book for DH. We also heard plenty of birdsong/twittering from lorikeets, rosellas, corellas, butcher birds, magpies & wattle birds.
Last Wednesday around 9.15am, I was busily putting some washing on the clotheshorse (it was drizzling) and SUDDENLY..................there was a strange rumbling noise & then the house started shaking & although it was quick, it was quite scary. We'd had a 5.8 earthquake some 100kms north of us, but it was felt far & wide throughout eastern Australia. I even rang DD to tell her & she answered the phone, saying "yes Mum, we're having an earthquake" and they live on the other side of Melbourne.
A rather strange month this September!!!!!!!!!!!!
As we've been in so much lockdown and aren't allowed to visit or have visitors, I've been doing a fair bit of quilting, so a few photos follow of a couple of finishes for this month. One you have seen before the binding was all hand sewn.
which will hopefully become this......

DH has been busy too and indulged my whim for a "HUG-A-RUG" for the hallway to display my wall quilts and now I can change them easily on a regular basis.
DH's clever rendition of the Hug-a-rug. |
QUESTIONABLE.Now for a few photos from the rather wayward garden at the moment. As the weather has not been playing nicely, I'm not getting a lot done outside.
Azalea |
Wallflower & Gazania |
Only 2 bluebells have flowered this year. |
The Snowball bush. |
My Banksia rose starting to blossom. |
If you click to enlarge, you'll be able to see one of our resident Skinks on the far edge of the pond. |
OK, that's it from me and maybe someone out there will have a peek at a long overdue post. I've had plenty of ideas swimming around in my head, but the words won't come and as for taking the camera anywhere with me, it isn't happening, so I need a good push to kick start my blogging mojo. Maybe this will be a fresh start.
Take care all, stay safe & huge virtual hugs.
Susan. xxxx