Well here I am for the first time in a while.........what with poor internet connections due to storm damage, feeling unlike my true self with all the world in chaos & such bleak winter weather, I've not really felt like blogging. Now I do admit that I've been keeping myself amused with a lot of sewing and that is down to blogging "FRIENDS".
I've participated in a few quiltalongs and have a mystery QAL coming up this month. I did post my 2 quilts done for the QAL run by Sandra at mmm.quilts in Canada and my friend Joy in Ballarat who blogs at Days filled with Joy has also been running a few too.
Over a 4 week period we were given the patterns for 4 blocks and challenged to make them and put them into our own setting. This is mine finished and I've been waiting to take some good photos, but the weather just hasn't played nicely.
The next quilt is one of my own designs and came about during a conversation when I saw Joy last year as the pandemic took hold and she decided we should do a joint QAL with the title "Let's Stay Home".
I didn't join in with mine, though I am participating in hers which is a year long one with stitcheries and pieced blocks. Eventually did mine, but have no pattern writing skills, so haven't put it up on my blog as a QAL.
A big thank you to quilting bloggers who run these QAL's and mysteries to keep us motivated.
A couple of recent photos of visitors to our garden.
One of the magpies who visit on a regular basis, helping herself to the coir from a hanging basket which I'd intended to plant up, but hadn't got around to, due to the cold weather.
Two sulphur-crested cockatoos above the blueberry bushes. We don't see many here but they have such big characters which I enjoy.
My friend Sue and myself taken some years ago now and alas we've not seen each other now for a few years due to the pandemic, but hopefully next year will settle down & we can meet up again.
This very old school photo shows the year we met at school. This was a new school for me since we'd moved house and Sue was asked to look after me and although we didn't go right through our school years together, we've managed to stay in touch all this time. I'm sitting on the far left in the front row & Sue is third from the right, also front row.
I know I've posted this photo before, but here are my 2 late cats curled up on the armchair with me. Most evenings after work they would be up there with me. Fluffy on the left was Tabitha's daughter & made it through to 14 and her Mum was nearly 18 when we lost her. I do miss them. This photo would have been taken in the late 90's.
OK, my lot for this week's photo hunt and I know it is a little disjointed and I've waffled on a lot, but thank you if you read this and I'll hopefully pull myself out of this slump and blog a little more in the future. BTW, we are in Lockdown #6 & things don't look like improving soon, nor the weather. Bring on some sunshine please!
Take care all, stay safe & hugs from down under.