Jo from
Through the Keyhole nominated me for an award and I've decided to take it one step at a time. I will start by answering the questions she asked of me. That should be the easy part, but no, I'm really struggling with some, but here goes anyway.
1) If your house was on fire, what one thing other than family members and pets, would you save?
A. Probably photos and my computer (photos on this as well), but my fabric, quilts and books would have to come a close second.
2) What other than your children, is your greatest achievement?
A. Nothing I can think of!
3) What would be your dream job and is it a job you do or have done?
A. My dream job was to be an architect, but I've certainly never done that. Just at the moment I fancy thinking up the challenges for "A Great British Quilting Challenge" and being a co-host or something. Please don't laugh at that, but if Mary Berry can do it at her age, I'm sure there'd be hope for me as I am a tad younger and have so many ideas.
4) What is your dream holiday destination?
A. Yorkshire and there abouts of course.
5) If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you bought.
A. That is a hard one, but maybe a house in Yorkshire with stunning views!
6) Name your top three films of all time?
A. I wasn't sure I'd be able to answer this one as I don't watch many films or go to the movies, but three just popped straight into my head.
(a) Dirty Dancing. (b) Calendar Girls. (c) Mama Mia.
7) If you could have a conversation with a famous person, dead or alive, who would it be?
A. I couldn't make up my mind as I thought of so many, so alive, can I talk to both Monty Don and Alan Titchmarsh, and dead, it would have to be Leonardo de Vinci.
8) What is your earliest childhood memory?
A. Staying with my great aunt, whilst my Mum had my brother.
9) What is your favourite season and why?
A, Sorry, but I'm going to have give my least favourite as the others are neck and neck, and that is summer, as I just don't like the heat and dry.
10) What made you start a blog?
A. A certain person made a suggestion about when was I starting one, after I began to take part in a Xmas Quiltalong and my photos had to be put on someone else's blog. Hmmm!, what a journey that has been. Wonderful actually.
11) What would you like the future to hold for you.
A. Health and happiness, for both hubby and I, family and friends.
I will endeavor to think of 11 random things about myself for my next post and the rest will come later.
Just a few photos from our trip that I want to share.
Not sure whether these were oast houses or maybe for chicory. |
Colourful foliage on these trees where we ate lunch one day. |
We had to slow down to let this goanna cross the road, then we stopped to take a pic as he ran up the tree. Click on the photo to enlarge and see him better. |
The old trestle bridge over The Snowy River at Orbost, which I've shown before from another angle, This definitely shows how it is deteriorating with all its lumps and bumps now. |
The Information Centre at Orbost is housed in this old slab hut.
Now that I'm feeling more at home with my camera, I'm starting to see a lot of "textures" around me.
Here are two photos and it's made me want to take more. Our world is such a fascinating place, both natural and man-made.
I hope to be able to post a couple of "finishes" this week, and if it's not too hot, get some others done too.
Enough of my waffling and hope everyone has had a great weekend.
Huggles Susan.