Thursday 28 March 2019


My goodness, is it really the end of March?  So much for me posting another Talking Quilts subject, but at least I've done this hunt.  Again, thanking Kate for making us really THINK outside the box.  I'm afraid I've been naughty this month and done some doubling up.  Whoopsy............

1.  FLAT.
This one certainly had me thinking.  I'd found most of the others before last weekend, but as hubby sat and watched the Formula 1 car races held here in Melbourne, I happened to mention something about they were going 'flat out' & that was my light bulb moment.  I hunted for this photo I took last year when we were down on Phillip Island, where there is a race track which gets used for bikes, V8's and vintage races.  Above is an Anglia whizzing past.  I know these cars quite well, as I had both a boyfriend with one & my first husband & I had one too.

2.  WHEEL.

I immediately thought of this photo when I saw the word 'wheel'. This was taken were in UK in 2014 at Roundhay Park in Leeds.  It was one of the exhibits for Chelsea Flower Show  at some time, though I'm not sure when.

BUT........................ Has anyone thought about how many wheels  make the world go round.  One of our greatest inventions I'm thinking.  Some I thought about were....carriage wheels, spinning wheels, potters wheels, bicycle/penny farthing/car wheels, along with my treadle sewing machine, paddle steamers, and many more. Even my rotary cutter has a very sharp blade which is a wheel, I realised, when using it yesterday.   I didn't think of the one below till I saw this at the Lost Trades Fair, which I attended with DD & family in mid March.
An astonishing clock on display.
3.  SWING.
Last time we did swing I showed a 'swing bridge', but couldn't work out which way I wanted to go for this one.  Again I've two.  Sorry!
I definitely lived through the Swinging Sixties as a teenager & love my music very much.  I still play my LP's quite regularly.
I also thought about the baskets of begonias SWINGING from the ceiling of the glasshouse in Ballarat Botanic Gardens.  I didn't get to the Begonia Festival earlier this month, but we are going to remedy that this weekend & hopefully they are still looking good.

The ragged end of a cross support on the Nymans Trestle Bridge on the Ballarat to Skipton rail trail.

5.  POT.
Whoa...........lots of pots.  Stacks of lobster pots on the quayside in Whitby.  I knew the photo might come in handy one day.๐Ÿ˜‰
Oh and this one too.  Looking for the above, this one said, "What about me?"
            Maybe Bill and Ben, the flowerpot men with a visiting gardener..........................?


Whilst looking for photos (quite an enjoyable way of relaxing & wasting time), I came upon this, which again has some old wheels, lots of recycled rubbish, cleverly put together & a gorgeous chimney in the background, so decided to use it for myown choice.  It was taken at Lake Learmonth near Ballarat a few years back.
OK, that is my curious lot and knowing my whacky nature, I'm hoping it has everyone's approval.
Thanks again Kate, take care all & can't wait to see what you've all come up with too.
Huggles,  Susan.


  1. Not naughty at all, really inventive. Impossible to select the best one, just be impressed :-)

  2. Great interpretations. Lobster pots and swinging hanging baskets are definitely my favourites. :)

    1. Thanks Shazza. I'm looking forward to seeing the begonias again.

  3. Great photos and interpretations. Love the lobster pots and the water wheel also Bill, Ben and their gardener friend too:)

    1. Thanks Rosie. I forgot to mention that Bill & Ben were at Rosemoor in Devon.

  4. I don't know where you get your ideas from! I think about them when reading the post and they are so difficult!

    1. Thanks Carol, but it isn't really difficult if you go out with your list & camera/phone. I also have a great archive, which you must have too, with some of the lovely photos you've put on your blog & all your different interests. How about trying it next month? I'm here to give you a helping hand via email. OK?

  5. Great interpretations and photos. I like that the F1 race gave you inspirations, the Swinging Sixties was a fabulous time too :)

    1. Thanks Eileen. I gather you were maybe a teenager in the sixties too? We love the vintage races, probably more than the F1s, but that's just us.

  6. Excellent choice of stories and photos - and I love the doubling up (more photo for your buck!!) but I have done the same this month - in fact for swing I had THREE - so one of them went in to my own choice :D thank you for sharing x

    1. Thanks Kate for providing us with the words each month & keeping us blogging. I think I could do a "whole" post on wheels, as I thought of soooooooooo..... many. Take care.

  7. Great photos, I love the ragged timber ends and the begonia baskets are gorgeous. I love the swinging sixties too although I wasn't really old enough to enjoy them properly, and by the time I was they had turned into the seventies :(

    1. Thanks Eunice. I'm sure you'd be fascinated by our trestle bridges. Ah, the good old 60's, when music was definitely of the foot tapping kind.

  8. Great photos as always Susan - I love the idea of the F1 cars going flat out - my hubby got a chance to drive around the track in Melbourne when we visited there - they were setting up for the race and it was still open to the public - made his year! Pity we don't see so many of those old cars on the road anymore - the Anglia was a lovely shape.
    I love your wheel photo from the Lost Trades Fair - you're right, they really do make the world go around. And Bill and Ben and helper are just brilliant. Have a great month x

    1. Thanks Fil. How wonderful getting to drive around the track prior to the race. Of course K & I love old cars, seeing we are the proud owners of a Morris Minor ute. I was fascinated by the clock at the Fair, as I'd never seen anything like it before. Bill & Ben are actually in Devon at Rosemoor. I forgot to mention where they were.

  9. I do like your red, black and white quilt in Gallery 3; you certainly have made lots of quilts!!! Anyway what a great set of photos and interpretations. They are all very interesting but I love the clock one!

    1. Thanks M. Glad you liked the clock, as I'd forgotten clocks have wheels in their movement till I saw it displayed as such. Yes, I've made lots of quilts, but it's 42 years since I made my first & there are a lot more waiting. (giggle).

  10. Love your interpretations as usual. That wheel clock is fascinating. I usually enlarge your photographs before reading your blog and had not realised it was a clock till you said - then I had to go back and see what I had missed. Your mention of Ballarat always makes me think of one of our favourite TV programmes - Dr Blake Mysteries and now I know you go there, makes me think of you too. xx

    1. Thanks Carol. Glad you liked the clock & I did think it was just the workings till I found the dial was the timber ring. We are off to there tomorrow, so maybe next week I'll do a post of bits'n'bobs we see. Thanks for thinking of me & when I talk to my friend Val, you & Kate often get mentioned. In fact I usually show her your scavenger post hunt & she reminisces too. Take care & have a lovely weekend.

  11. Thank you for your intriguing interpretations of this months words, I especially like the waterwheel, a remembrance of a very different era.

  12. What fun photos, the pot ones are my favourite!

  13. Great pictures and I can understand that it was sometimes difficult to choose between two photos! The first one is almost surrealistic, with the blurred car that looks like a ghost one, fantastic!

  14. Stunning selection this time, loved seeing them

  15. Well done, I enjoyed seeing all of your photographs.
    My favourites are the lobster pots, the water wheel and Bill, Ben and their gardener friend.

    All the best Jan
