Thursday 12 August 2021


Linking with Astrid for this Fridays word photo hunt.

 I am a bit early, but on Friday I have to attend a hospital appointment for a minor procedure, so thought I'd do this on Thursday afternoon.  It is a little photo heavy, because I kept thinking of all sorts.

The letter "S" stands out for me, as all of my names begin with this letter, so I am "SSS".................

One of the many painted silos here in Victoria and  now other states in Oz too.

The solar panels on the roof of our home helping us be a little green.

I could have used many photos, but chose this looking out to sea over the beach huts at Mornington.

A paddock full of black swans on the east coast of Victoria.

Sheep & some beautiful lambs, taken not long ago when we had a rare break from being in lockdown.

A huntsman spider on the wall of the Superintendent's Home at the Quarantine Station on the Mornington Peninsular which was another rare day out in January when we actually got to see DD and family.  We had a lovely day and another would be rather nice.  

A few shells I've collected over many years.  Taking a photo this afternoon was difficult once again with very cloudy skies, with little light coming into our house.

Sewing, particularly my quilting is keeping me sane and the little quilt above was started many years ago as a mystery QAL, but running out of 2 of the fabrics at the beginning meant I put the few blocks I'd made aside.  Early this year I did some sorting & weeded out a few old projects & put them together as small quilts which I'm giving away as baby gifts.  My old skates which I've had since my teenage years haven't been used for a long time as my feet have changed shape & they don't fit anymore.  I was last on the ice in 2018 with my granddaughter & had to use hire skates.  It was great to be on the ice again.

Something I miss is my old studio, which I'm showing below in its very messy state, as I've no other photos.

Most of these photos are from my archives and I'm sure I could have found many more, but as I'm a little on the STRESSED SIDE (um...a couple more S's) I have hopefully fulfilled this word hunt.
OK, that is my lot for today and if someone can tell me how I can get these 2 photos to go side by side, I'd love to hear from them as I've spent at least 15 minutes trying.
Thanks for reading if you get to the end.
Take care all, stay safe and hugs from down under.


  1. My mum was SS too. Lots of interesting things there to fulfil the brief.

  2. Haha … what a fabulous set of photos and good that your Internet is finally playing ball. I love the painted silo. I think the only way you could get those photos side by side is to make them into a collage before uploading as blogger can be a bit of a pain sometimes 😃

  3. I love your scavenger hunt photos' every time I see them I want to try my hand too. I will get around to it one of these days. Hope you are keeping safe. xx

  4. You always come up with the perfect photos.. all the best for tomorrow xx

  5. That's a great selection of "S" photos. Posting photos on Blogger frustrates me too. I hope your hospital visit goes well x

  6. Lots of lovely 's' photos, except perhaps the spider:) I hope everything goes well for you today. Take care:)

  7. Many thanks for sharing your photographs, lots of things to see.
    Hoping your hospital appointment goes well, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  8. Oh wow, so many great S's! Um, maybe not the spider so much though! And your name is perfect for this one. And I hope you're not stressed anymore!
    I think if you wanted those two photos next to each other, you would need to save them in a program together (like photoshop?). I've had to do something like that before.
