Wednesday 17 January 2024


Catching up after quite a long break, due to a very hectic time of late & not feeling like I've achieved anything much.  DD is leaving to go back to Sydney for her hubby's work, which I'm finding hard to deal with, little brother's needs are always being seen to with this scheme the government brought in some years ago & seems like lots of signing of papers is never ending & lots of phone calls too. 
Garden is getting out of hand with both my back problems & weather, plus the never ending blueberry picking at this time of year.  I do enjoy giving them away though.  Oh the's been strange.
Also, we have internet problems plus my old laptop doesn't do what it used to.  Blogger seems just a bit different too and I have  a hard time leaving comments at times.   OK.......enough of my complaining.
Le'ts play catchup..................firstly an amazing sunset one night & I've not done anything to this photo.

And this next photo is one mornings pick of blueberries.  One of these tubs went to a friend for making jam & another day I gave one of our neighbours a similar tub for her jam making too.

Now for a few bits'n'bobs of craft.............
I've been crocheting these blocks from all my leftover Attic 24 bundles I've done over the years.
They are granny squares with the idea coming from a book by Jemima Flendt called Quilt It, Crochet It.
So far it's been fun, but now the sewing together must start...........soon I hope.

A few tops I've done and possibly not shown.


This one I've call SCRAPS APLENTY  and is one of my own designs.


Another one of my designs which I have named "S" is for...............


I made this one last year from one of Sandra's patterns from mmmquilts., but alas it is also waiting to be quilted.

4.    I have joined in with a couple of quiltalongs with Cheryl Brickey from Meadow Mist Designs.
The first one is the Malted Mystery and we have now made the centre for this medallion type quilt.
Mine so far....................

The other one I have started is from her newest book Just Two Charm Pack Quilts and we can make any one and have a sort of time line.  I'm being naughty old me and having fun with this, but not telling which one I'm doing.

The fabrics I'm using from a layer cake I've shared with a friend who is doing this challenge too.

A little peak at some HST's I've done so far.
Another thing I'm "TRYING" to do is the Chookshed Challenge which I have made the list for here.
Whoops................can't seem to download this one, so we'll leave that till I can work out how to upload the document I did.😞

Now lastly for this post, I have a fun photo of the beautiful container DH made recently sitting on my chest of drawers in the sewing room.  Isn't it just amazing!!!

All for now, but I do hope to do some more catching up with some recent places we've been which may interest a few of my blogpals.  Hopefully after this hiatus I still have a few followers.
I do read all my sidebar blogs, but can only leave comments occasionally.  
Another little problem has been my eyes and hopefully at some stage this year they will do the cataract removal, which I need when they deem necessary.
Thanks to anyone who reads this.  Take care all and hugs from Susan.



  1. Nice to see a post from you. I hope you had a lovely Christmas and New Year. You have been busy, I couldn't even contemplate sewing granny squares together, I always crochet them together, much easier for me being a non sewer. K is so talented, I love the things he makes.

  2. Lovely to see all your crafty projects. That sunset is stunning and would be gorgeous as a felted picture

    1. Thanks Cherie and I have tried to leave comments on your blog, which I read every morning on my old laptop.

  3. Lovely to see you back, Susan and with so many lovely things to share. All your craft work and the beautiful container. That's a beautiful sunset. Take care:)

    1. Thanks Rosie and I hope to be able to post more often.

  4. Lovely to see your projects and that sunset is amazing. I love the beautiful container. I have a bunch of crocheted squares I need to stitch together but it is a rather boring activity.

    1. Thanks Lyndsey & DH will love the comment from you. Like you stitching together squares is sort of boring, probably why I like row rugs to crochet as Lucy usually does them.

  5. Lovely to read this post from you.
    That sunset is beautiful, the blueberries look lovely and your craft work looks so good.

    Take care, sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. Our neighbours and car club member all like the blueberries too, especially the younger kids.

  6. A lovely newsy post. Your blueberries look delicious. You have been having fun in the sewing room with all those projects. I look forward to seeing how your Just 2 Charm Packs quilt evolves.

  7. Good to see you back in Blogland. We normally have more blueberries than we know what to do with too but last year we hardly had any. It was very unusual. I might need to get my secateurs out in the spring to try to encourage more fruit this year 💜

  8. Sorry … anonymous is me … Carol from Life of Pottering x

  9. Lots of creativity going on there! Love your blueberries... hope to grow some here one day as well! xx
