Friday 26 July 2019


Wow, has anyone else thought this year has flown by?  It is time for another photo hunt, where I join with Kate at I live, I love, I craft, I am me, to use a set of words, to find photos for & think outside the box in the process.  Here we go...............

My garden at No.4 which was full, cluttered for most of the year and a joy for me to work in.

My tootsies getting wet on an outing to Wilson's Promontory the summer before last.

3.  PINK.
Again a photo from No. 4 of a beautiful sunrise which I could see from our  front verandah.  I found this accidentally while looking for my cluttered photo.๐Ÿ˜Š

OK, I do have two for this.

Above is a small vase of Eucalyptus flowers which I could have had for 'pink' too.  We usually refer to these as gum blossom & after the flowers, they have huge gumnuts.
Another photo from our day out at Wilson's Promontory are these two Emus, blissfully unaware of me taking photos.

5.  ROOF.
Do you see it?  Ah, the roof of a derelict building now resting on the ground on a day out in South Gippsland one weekend earlier this year.

I do have a 'thing' about trees & have many photos in my archives.  Taken in 2006 (not the date on the photo), whilst on a trip along the Great Alpine Road in the Victorian High Country.  I do think trees can be so amazing in form, where they grow at times & their timeless beauty.

My lot done for this month & all from my archives, except for the vase of gum blossom, which was picked & photographed early this month.  They last for a good 3 weeks.
I may be a little quiet for August with some family commitments coming up, but you never know, a blog post could pop up.
Thanks Kate for hosting these & it keeps my mind sharp when out & about or sometimes a quiet time on the computer looking through the archives.  Look forward to seeing what the other Hunters have chosen.
Take care all, have a great weekend & big huggles from down under.


  1. I love trees as well, their bark, their roots and the life that they support.

    1. Thanks Carol. I do like what you've added too.

  2. I'm with you on the trees, I love the way their branches grow and the shapes they make so the tree shot is definitely my favourite, but I like the emus too :)

    1. Thanks Eunice. Trees are certainly amazing & where would life be without them. Emus can be both inquisitive & funny too.

  3. Lovely photos. Your garden was certainly packed with plants, beautiful. Your paddle photo makes me want to visit the beach.

    1. Thanks Jo. Sounds like a visit to the beach would be a great idea in your extra warm weather, but not here as it's quite chilly at the moment.

  4. This is a lovely collection of photos, all outdoors and nature based :)

    1. Thanks Louise & my archives have come in handy this month due to our very dreary weather.

  5. That's a most impressive garden and a most amazingly pink sunset. X

    1. Thanks Sharon. I do miss our old place, but I'v lots of photos & memories.

  6. Great photos, Susan, your garden looks wonderful and the pink sunset is so beautiful. Great to see the emus and the gum blossom. The tree photo is wonderful too:)

  7. Once again, your choice of photos are perfect.

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks Joy, it was, but not anymore as they changed it drastically to be low maintenance.

  9. That is a beautiful sunrise. Something we never see here, tall hedge in the way (plus we are not often up early enough) but we do get fantastic sunsets. Love the tree but the eucalyptus flowers bring back memories. I loved using them too but I do have a sneaky vase envy at that glass heart vase they are in. Keep warm. We had 31.0 indoors and 37.8 outside two days ago and today I am wearing a cardigan!! xx

    1. Thanks Carol. We don't see sunrise/set here unless we are outside. Heart vase envy eh? Weather can be so changeable, but the heat wouldn't have been unlike Africa I suppose.

  10. Your cluttered photo is so much more desirable than my one! Why didn't I think of toes in the water for paddle??? That photo did make me smile. Like Jak I too am feeling the cold today! Might have to consider putting my electric blanket on tonight. Here's to next month.

    1. I love my cluttered photo too & have it propped on the study desk here. You could have gone paddling in the heat you've just experienced.

  11. Great pictures for this month. I didn't know the gum blossom had such beautiful pink flowers.
    The cluttered one is beautiful but for me the pink is the best.

    1. Thanks Julie. Gum blossom can be all colours from white through cream, all manner of pinks, reds right through to brilliant orange. It flowers at different times of the year depending on the variety. I'll try and remember to take photos as they flower.

  12. Loved seeing all of your photographs, I think my favourite is the beautiful sunrise …

    All the best Jan

  13. Beautiful and interesting, as usual. I love the tree picture, too. The eucalyptus flower is new to me; I've only seen the leaves and didn't know it flowered. They are pretty and a nice color. Enjoy the time with your family.
