Friday, 23 April 2021


 Linking with Astrid for this week's hunt.

I found this one quite hard and have gone a little off piste and tied it into a wonderful place we've visited several times now, the first just before we went into our first major lockdown in March last year. 

My initial thoughts were:       Earth - soil.          Earth - our planet.

Taking all this into account, I hope this isn't too weird.

Heading into the hills north-east of Melbourne there are parks, where we stopped for lunch on one of our forays in December & I snapped this gorgeous dogwood in flower, which of course is connected to the earth by way of soil here on our planet.  OK, the other photos will not have so much silly info.πŸ˜‰

An old plough to turn over the soil.
And this is where we were headed.
Somewhere we'd passed many times over the years and it was either not open or we didn't have time to stop.  For someone like me who loves old, quirky & just browsing it's a wonderland and we've now been a few times  after we've been "let out" again.  In December we basically had the place to ourselves, except for the owners.
Definitely connections to the earth for the next two photos...................
Good old push mowers and I can remember my parents having one of these when I was really young & my late brother and I trying to push it through the grass..........we didn't have lawn.(lol)
Another connection, embedded by shrubbery to the earth.
Keith really thought this would be a good doer-upper, but we don't have anywhere to do it.

And now for some of the fun things made from old junk.
To be sold as "Garden Art" or maybe props for photographers etc.

My favourite, a donkey, but he didn't come home with me.

Other bits'n'bobs to turn around yourself.
Inside we came across a wall with some amusing signage.  No, I know that we are off the track of earth now, but this lot could come under the title of "What on Earth?"

In no praticular order, just hope you all had a giggle and then this one below, came as a surprise.
Can you imagine him in your front yard..............

Now, one last little bit with a story to it. and I do hope I don't offend anybody, but we laughed a lot.
Checking out this lovely table & chairs, a lady who was looking at it too, started talking to me about all the wonderful quirky pieces that were there.  Suddenly I started to giggle and she looked around to see what had caught my eye and her reaction was "OMG, he's mine..." Off she ran in the direction of her young son, carrying around the torso (in the truck below), with each hand holding onto a protrusion,  grabbing it and depositing in said truck and shutting the window. 

OK, not offended?  It was funny.
Hope you haven't been bored by my wafflings & weird sense of humour.  I'll link this later as I was interrupted and now I'm off to make us some lunch.  Cold again today, overcast with a few showers and very windy.
Have a great weekend all, take care and stay safe.
Hugs from down under, Susan.


  1. The donkey is definitely my favourite too, though I like that piggy. I remember my parents having a push mower and seem to remember having one ourselves in our very first house. I don't think we kept it long before we got an electric one, too much like hard work!

    1. Thanks Jo & I knew you'd like the donkey. BTW, I met one the other day called Wonkey, but didn't have my camera with me & he was very friendly & enjoyed being patted.

  2. What a wonderful selection of photos and they have made me smile this morning. I remember those push mowers but can't remember who it was who had one. Your theme of what on earth is brilliant :)

    1. Thanks Eileen & I can remember my Dad getting his first ever petrol mower. It was a Victa of course. Very Australian!

  3. That is so funny ... Made me laugh out loud. My husband works for the railway and we often have to take photos of signs warning of leaky cocks and clinkers πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. Thanks Carol. I first saw that railway sign in York Railway Museum in 1991 on my first visit to UK & was surprised to see one here last year.

  4. I love the donkey, but the signs, especially the railway one, have just given me the best laugh of the day :) :)

    1. Thanks Eunice. I told Carol above about the sign & it's history for me.

  5. Love the donkey but the signs and your story are very amusing. Had a good laugh. As your weather is worsening we are fortunately having lovely warm and sunny days. Long may it last - forever hopeful, that's me.

    1. Thanks Carol. I always worry about putting things on that may offend, but a funny story seems to have made most have a giggle.

  6. Love all your quirky photos. The donkey is my favourite and I was not offended by the young lad and the torso! More please! We are enjoying a second week of dry, mostly sunny and warm weather with a few frosts at night. Sounds like it's time to get out your Attic24 blanket, old or new! x

    1. Thanks M. I do think it's best to see the funny side of things as laughing is good for us they say. Even if it's cold, I do like to see the sun & we've basically had none for April at all. Just the occasional glimpse from behind a cloud.

  7. A lovely post.
    I enjoyed your photographs and the signs made me smile :)

    Enjoy the weekend.

    All the best Jan

  8. Lots of good photographs there Susan and a few chuckles too!

  9. I've just caught up with you, I must have missed this post earlier. Great photos, the Dogwood tree looks wonderful. Love the dog and the torso story. Take care:)

    1. Thanks Rosie, don't worry about missing something as I quite often do the same thing. Think I may need a small dogwood in my garden as they are gorgeous.

  10. These are ALL great, and definitely relate to earth... especially What on Earth?! A Leaking Cock, dreadful! Too funny with that little boy, maybe there was no bottom torso for him to put in the window?
