Tuesday 14 June 2016


A short and sweet post.

On Sunday night, about 10.30pm, I hopped into bed, picked up my book and settled down to read for 15-20 mins, whilst Hubby went to have a shower.  No sooner, had I started to read, than our bathroom door started to rattle and wobble.  Hubby called out, "What are you doing?"  I said, "Nothing".  We both laughed and jokingly said, maybe it was an earth tremor.  We have felt quite a few in this area over the years.  Next morning Hubby checked on google and, yes, there had been 3.5 tremor south of us in Bass Strait.  I was quite amazed that, although we didn't feel anything, there was the rattling.

Although it is only the start of winter, I picked these beside the road and placed it on my side table.
They smell divine.

Jonquils and crocosmia picked from the roadside and foliage from the garden.
Buddy, our relatively tame magpie still comes to visit along with 2 other young ones, plus a more mature one.  I think Buddy may be a female as it is still greyish on the back and males are usually very white.


It's been quite cold, but yesterday, I got out in the garden a bit and trimmed the seaside daisy around the pond and dug over a bit of the veg bed.  Other than that I certainly don't seem to have much to post about.

Take care all,  Susan.


  1. I can remember a few years ago there was a tremor late at night and the bed 'trembled' at the time I thought it was the cat jumping on, but when there was no cat, I can remember feeling quite unnerved! It was only when I read about it the next day that the strange sensation made sense. X

    1. Funny the things that cross your mind when it's happening, as we had a much larger one around 2009 (5.7 I think),and I'd just gone through the doorway and hung onto the wall (lol), but not sure what that would do.

    2. I wonder if Hawthorn and I are remembering the same one:

  2. I remember there being an earth tremor when we were in St Lucia, I was sat on the toilet at the time and it was a very strange sensation. Your flower posy is very pretty.

    1. Not a good place to be when a tremor happens.

  3. I was in high school many many moons ago when we had a tremor. I'm glad that you're safe x

    1. Only the door rattled, but I've experienced quite substantail ones in my childhood, early married life and here in West Gippsland, but never a "big one".

  4. Some years ago there was a massive explosion many miles from us, but in the middle of the night I woke up and heard our sliding wardrobe doors rattling, that was caused by the blast from the explosion. It is very unnerving isn't it. Glad you are all OK. Your flowers are very pretty, a lovely spring posy! Thank you so much for your offer re the hook roll, it is so incredibly kind of you. Perhaps you could e-mail me? Hope you don't get any more tremors. xx

    1. An explosion would in some ways be a lot scarier, not knowing how or why it happened. I was thinking, it's not all that long ago, all my UK bloggy pals were showing daffs and such and now ours are out. I'll email soon.

  5. Good grief! As long as you are both OK . . .

    A few years ago I woke late at night, and fell asleep again very quickly. The following day the papers were full of the fact that Coniston was the centre for a 3.7 magnitude quake. Clearly I must have felt it but I didn't know that's what it was.

    1. We are OK, and it wasn't big or anything, as I said above, I've felt worse, although nothing like devastating ones you see on TV.

  6. We had a tremor here in Massachusetts a few years back and it cracked the cement porch. Mother Earth is quite powerful at times. Such beautiful flowers and bird.

    1. Yes, the earth is powerful, but completely natural, as it will always be evolving. Thanks about the flowers and Buddy.
