Thursday 7 July 2016


I'm not sure where this week has gone.  The weather has been woeful and I thought I'd do a post yesterday, but that day came and went in a whirl, so here I am now with some "awful" photos because of the poor light. 
My purchase of a stand alone bobbin winder back in December was a great idea, until, last week when it decided to stop working, so Wednesday saw us head to where it was bought with no luck and today finding that the company has gone into liquidation.  A hassle ahead to get something sorted.  I also wanted to find some paint I was using with DD last week, which led to us visiting 3 different places to find it.  Finally some luck with the third one and tubes on special at 4 for $10.  YES.
Now for a selection of bits and bobs.
Rhubarb flower I mentioned last post.
I moved the little bookcase with my cookbooks to near the kitchen from the hall.  Much easier now to browse and plan a week's menu.

I have been playing with this, but ran out of pearl headed pins.

Opening a jelly roll and finding that a rose fabric I bought recently goes well with it.  I have designed a pattern and will start this very soon, so watch this space.

Bits of timber?  This is why I needed the tube of paint.  DD gave me this  Xmas 2014, so I really must get it done.  All will hopefully be revealed some time this month.


Olympic Quilt.

I made this quilt in 2000 when Sydney hosted the Olympic Games.  Hubby was driving buses at them and I was home alone in Cowra where we were living at the time.  I decided to make a star block each time we (Oz) won a gold medal.  I sorted through my stash to use fabrics relating to the uniform colours worn by our team members at the opening ceremony.  I do think it is about time to quilt it, as another games is on the way this year, 16 years later. 

Closeup of one block.  There are 16 stars relating to the 16 gold medals we wond.
The wacky week continues.........
Enough from me for now as these photos keep moving when I put the captions on and it is doing my head in and not quite the post I intended.

Take care all.


  1. It is most frustrating when trying to post and the picture moves or won't line up! I'm intrigued by your pile of wood and wonder what you are up to!

    1. Thanks Hawthorn and I just do as much as it will let me sometimes, but other times it behaves beautifully. You may be surprised at what it turns into!!!!

  2. I have never seen a rhubarb flower before. You learn something new everyday. Thanks for sharing x

    1. That's OK Lucie & I think I've only had one other flower & that was a long time ago. My worry is that the plant may not last long and I only put it in last year. We'll see.

  3. Love your star quilt, and looking forward to seeing what you do. Is that star block your design or from somewhere?? I like it.

    1. Thanks Judy. No, it's not one I designed, but must be either from Judy Martin or Kaye England, as I think they are the two books I used, so I'll give you a ring when I find it.

  4. Your quilt looks good and it's a lovely idea behind it x

  5. Your star quilt was a clever idea and looks very nice. The ball with the tiny flowers and pearls is interesting, too. Be sure to show us it when it's done; it looks pretty so far.

  6. Love the jelly roll! Can't wait to see what you come up with :) And your Olympic quilt is just beautiful! xx

  7. Hmm, for once my rhubarb has not (yet) tried to go to flower, but perhaps that is because they are new plants and didn't go in until late in the Spring?

    I can show you how to edit the HTML to make pictures behave if you like . . . it's really simple (honestly, it must be if I can do it!)
