Tuesday 14 March 2017


Sunday dawned overcast & a "little" drizzly.  We only got just below 1mm in our rain gauge.
It was the day of our Car Club run to Blue Lotus Water Garden in the Yarra Valley.  We were to leave the club rooms at 9.30am & wend our way up there via a scenic route (not the freeway).  And how many ended up going?  Oh, this many cars.๐Ÿ˜–

OK, that is not much of a turnout for us, but we did have a great & rather amusing day,  On our way through the forest with lots of twists and turns, poor M driving that middle car spun out on a corner, for no apparent reason, which frightened the rest of us, especially us, as we were travelling behind.  None of us going fast or doing anything stupid (bit old for that caper anyway), and can only put it down to the slightly damp conditions.  All was well, nothing had been coming the other way & we continued on to Powelltown for a welcome coffee break.
Back in the cars & driving on, suddenly our leader I, stopped.  There was something on the road.......

I'll stop & have another rest & maybe let them take photos.
By the time I snapped this, there were five cars pulled up & one stopped the other way and we were trying to shoo it off the road, so it wouldn't get hurt.  One couple, said they'd actually never seen one in the wild like that.  We have a couple of times.
These two incidents certainly made for an interesting start to our day out.


I knew what Lotus were, but had actually never seen them en masse or in flower.
"IT WAS AMAZING"!!!!!!!!!  Take a look.

Buds in a bowl.

One of the many ponds, lakes & lagoons, they have made for them.

Looking down into the flower.

The seeds forming.  I found this quite eerie, like a lot of little eyes looking at me.
They also had some other water loving plants.

Giant lily pads.

Also some beautifully coloured water lilies.
We'd taken a picnic lunch with us, so ate that, then wandered for over an hour, exploring and certainly enjoyed.

Yesterday (Monday) was a public holiday here in Victoria, but we caught up  on some housework & in the afternoon, I finished quilting this.

I've not taken it off the machine yet, as there is enough backing still to do a small table runner, that's been hanging about for ages.  I've something in mind for the table runner & will talk about that at a later date.
Tomorrow (Wednesday 15th) is hubby's birthday and we are off out for the day, travelling east away from Melbourne & all its traffic, to purchase a 'chuck' for his lathe.  I've been saving money from selling the blueberries.๐Ÿ˜Š  There is also a British food shop, where I can stock up on my Nairn's oatmeal biscuits & a few other bits we like, but can't get anywhere else over here.

OK, enough from me for now, as I'll probably post again on Thursday with lots from our next adventure out.  I'll look out a map of Victoria, so I can point out where our area of Gippsland is, as I know I quite often talk about it.  I'll find something for my next post.

Take care all & huggles from Susan.


  1. What a great day out. Love the Koala. They have the giant water lily at Kew Gardens which is where I saw them.

  2. Happy Birthday K! Have a good jolly out xx I would love to 'follow real' lotus and koalas, lovely photos x

    1. Thanks Kate & from K. We will be closer to the coast where we are going today so should come home very refreshed.

  3. How wonderful to just come across a koala in the wild like that. It's a shame about the turn out but at least you all still had fun. Happy birthday to K, I hope you both enjoy the day.

    1. Thanks Jo. You often see koala signs, but never any about. We've seen them in places with no signs, which is silly, but that's how it works sometimes.

  4. Happy Birthday to your lovely husband! Hope he has a fun day and you too. What a lovely day out you had with your car, the flowers are pretty, but like you I am not so sure about the lotus seeds in the pod!

    1. Thanks Amy & from K. It should be a great day even if predicted to be 33deg, way too hot for this time of year, but we'll be near the coast (yay). The seed pod is spooky isn't it?

  5. Happy Birthday to the lovely K, hope you are both having a good day.

    The lotus and water lily are beautiful, and well done for getting more quilting accomplished. That is a lovely pattern, looks like one of the many modern ones which are so attractive but would be a swine to stitch the old way (in other words, not computer guided!)

    1. K says thanks.The lotus were amazing. I'm not too hot on the hand guided stuff any more, as I'm out of practice.

  6. I think small groups of cars are better than lots of them... looks like you had a great day. Happy Birthday to K! xx

    1. Thanks for the birthday wishes. We did have a great day & yesterday too.

  7. Your Sunday drive certainly was an adventure. It ended up being a charming day for you. The water flowers are so lovely. As is your quilting; I love what your did. Looking forward to the next adventure report.

    1. Thanks Joanna. I thought of you as I posted the koala photo. Glad you enjoyed our outing through my pics.

  8. I don't know how big a koala is. From the picture I think it's larger than I thought.

    1. Good morning Lucy & welcome to my blog. This particular Koala was probably about the size of a 6 to 12 month old baby & as we don't have any small grandchildren any more (our youngest are 9 going on 10 years), it's very hard to gauge. They are quite heavy too, but probably one of our cutest native animals. This one was fully grown. Take care.
