Sunday 19 April 2020


First up is the SEWING.
I'm just a bit all over the place, so once we sewed the sashing to the larger squares & the smaller ones, it was time to sew them into rows.
 I forgot to take photos before I started sewing some of the rows together.  As you can see from above, they are sewn as separate rows, and the I've joined a sashing row to the larger block row.  I did this with each one, then started joining more together as below.  They are then joined together as a whole.
We'll leave it there for this week before we start on the border.
That threw up another problem, as I've been using from my stash and have had to compromise with only one small border due to trialing many fabrics and not liking anything.  I have a solution and that will have to do, as I want these 2 baby quilts finished shortly & hope to hand them over as soon as the restrictions are eased.
I have taken a snap of the other colour way I've come up with and am in the process of getting it together now.
                                                                                No. 2.

Over the weekend, which has been very overcast with a few showers has seen us pottering around, doing this, that and the other.
 I made a Coffee Streusel Slice & some Butter Biscuits in 2 shapes.
I also made some frozen citrus yoghurt from some plain that I found very bitey.  I've not tried it yet, but may have a little tonight.

 Lots of leaves keep falling and as it wasn't windy this afternoon, I raked the leaves out the front.
 I also found lots of these in our lawn.  We saw many on our walk this afternoon & that's when you realise Autumn is really here.
                                                                      That window again. 
Enough from me.  I'm struggling knowing what day it is, hence the strange post about all sorts.
I'm sorry if my sewing bit is out of context with last Sunday, but I think only one person has said they might follow along.  I'm always available by email for any questions.
Take care all, stay safe and virtual hugs.
Oh, and BTW.   We are supposedly in for plenty of rain this week, so walking might be on the light side.


  1. The quilts are looking lovely. I think lots of people are turning to baking, something which can be done whilst they're at home. I see your weather is turning to autumn now, we've been having some gorgeous days here and the sunshine is due to last all this coming week too.

    1. Thanks Jo. I've always baked, since I was still at home when Mum was not well, as a child. Our weather certainly isn't helping in the strange times we are experiencing. Take care.

  2. I like a blog post full of bits and bobs. I don't/can't sew but can appreciate how lovely your quilts are. The biscuits look yummy. We are having some beautiful weather right now, heaven sent for those with gardens. Take care.

    1. Thanks Eileen. Inclement here this morning.

  3. Please save one of those pretty flower shaped biscuits for me, they look delicious. It's been a glorious spring day here. Warm sunshine and blue skies

    1. Thanks Cherie. Rained over night & still very cloudy. Pity I can't have a bikky & cuppa with you.

  4. I am in awe of your stunning quilting skills, so wonderful.
    We've had some really warm days this past week.
    Lots of people seem to be baking, some trying for the first time and also growing their own foods too.

    1. Thnks Julie. Yes, I agree that a lot must be trying, but wonder how long it will last, when & if things get back to a so-called normality. We've always had a bit of a veg garden & I've been baking as long as I can remember. Poor K. always took playlunch with him fo work according to our kids, not morning tea.๐Ÿ˜„

  5. I did enjoy this 'bits and bobs' post …
    Your quilting looks lovely.

    All the best Jan

  6. Hello! I've popped in from someones blog (cant remember who though!) and noticed you are in Oz too! Nice to 'meet' you. I've just started blogging again after a few years hiatus and love seeing what old and new bloggers are up too! I'm also looking for inspiration because I've had a hiatus from all the creative things I used to do!!
    I think I'll find lots here - already I'm pondering about making a quilt or finishing a cardigan I started a few years ago ;) Thanks for sharing your lovely creations! Evi :)

    1. Thanks for popping by Evi & had a quick look at your blog & noticed you are in Tassie, somewhere we lived for 6 1/2 years in the late 80s, early 90s. Hope I can inspire somebody & I'm struggling too at the moment in these strange times. Take care & stay safe.

    2. Tassie is beautiful, isnt it? We have lived here for 12 years but I really do not love the long winters! Life is all a bit upside down for us right now too and I'm trying to focus on the positive's - mostly it works ;) I do hope you can find your way through the struggles though - I like to think that 'this too shall pass'. xx
