Wow, you could say I'm running a little late with this post. We had a lovely day, on Sunday, with members of our car club to celebrate Christmas and we had a little go at lawn bowls. Not sure I'd get the hang of it and being strange old me, I had to see which hand I would use best. Left it was. Wonder why? As a small child I was taught to use my right hand and not my "left", (I grew up in THAT era). so I do some things more easily with my left, if I wasn't told that I must use my right. Enough, and onto my numbers.
DAY 12.
This was taken a couple of years ago in the Flinders Ranges, South Australia, whilst away with our caravan. Notice there are actually 2 number 12's. |
No crafting for the last 2 days, but I do have a short story to share.
I'm not sure whether we moved from where I first went to school in 1955 or 56, but this is my first school photo at Miranda Infants, where I was the new girl and was looked after by two girls, one of whom is still someone I keep in touch with today. Over the years we had periods when we didn't hear from each other, but, somehow we find each other again. I hope that we can actually meet up some time in the near future. S follows my blog & sent me this quick email yesterday as a comment on the blog post of the 5th December, as follows....
"In your recent blog you show a photo of the little cookbook that came with your Mum’s fridge.
You used to take that chocolate fudge to school and I used to be sooooooo jealous.....ha ha has......"
I never realised she loved it so much. Maybe I should take some up when we meet again. We've known each other now for 60+ years. Thank you so much S, for that friendship.
My class photo to go with the story above. I am sitting on the bottom row, far left and my friend is in the same row, 5th from left. |
DAY 11.
After Hubby got his scroll saw, I looked in a couple of woodworking books we had purchased some years back & spotted a number 11 on this page (I was getting desperate for this number) and then noticed the title beside it and had a good giggle, as I often think I'm getting lazy when I don't keep up to things as I should.
This is a short post today, as blogger is playing silly and won't let me do this the way I want, so I'm quitting now.
Have a lovely Tuesday all and I'll try and show something crafty tomorrow.
Huggles, Susan. |